“Wayne,” Devil said, his voice deep and gruff. Dominant.

Wayne’s gaze flicked back to mine. “What’s going on, Hailee?”

Anxiety burned in my chest. I hated confrontations. But even more than that, I hated hurting people. “I’m sorry, Wayne… I didn’t want to tell you over the phone.” I stumbled all over my words again, but I managed to get them out eventually.

“So, what? You’re screwing him now?” Wayne shot his question at me like venom, and I recoiled.

Devil’s other arm circled my chest and he held me tightly to him. “You can leave now, Wayne,” he ordered. A shiver ran through me at the malevolence I heard in his tone. He was so calm, though. I wouldn’t want to be in his firing line, because that kind of calm was more dangerous than fire.

Wayne ignored him. “I want a fucking answer, Hailee. Are you fucking him?” His eyes glittered with disgust, and I realised I’d dodged a bullet with him. No way did I ever want to be involved with a man who treated me like that. Even if he did feel betrayed.

I’d hardly had time to process that thought when Devil switched our positions, putting himself in front of me. His calmness disappeared, replaced by a ferociousness I was yet to see in him.

“You ever speak to her that way again, and I’ll make sure you never utter another word in your life. Now turn the fuck around and go the fuck back to where you came from.”

My heart beat faster as I waited for Wayne to reply. Placing my hand on Devil’s back, I found it hard as rock. He was wound so tight that I worried what his reaction might be if Wayne chose to argue with him rather than doing what he said.

“You know what I think?” Wayne spat out.

“What?” Devil’s back tensed even more, like he was ready to lash out any minute.

I wished like crazy that I’d just been a dick and told Wayne over the phone. I didn’t want Devil involved in this because it all seemed to be going to hell in a handbasket.

Wayne puffed up his chest. “I think she clearly doesn’t know how to choose men. You’re a pig, and there’s no way you’d treat her as well as I would have. You two deserve each other.”

He took a step back as if to leave, but Devil’s hand shot out and grabbed him. Moving closer to him, Devil snarled, “And you know what I think, motherfucker? I think you know nothing about me and that you shouldn’t be so quick to judge another person. I also think that if you don’t leave right now, I won’t be able to control myself much longer. My fist is fucking itching to smash itself into your face.”

I’d never dated a guy as intense as Devil. His violent outburst frightened me, and I felt the need to stop him going any further. Especially since this was all my fault.

I cut through the tense air, inserting myself in front of Devil. I ignored the way he tried to pull me back, and placed my hand on his chest as if to say, “Back off.” Eyeing Wayne, I said forcefully, “I’m sorry for the way this went down, but you need to accept my decision. And I think it would be best if you left now before this goes somewhere none of us want it to go.”

He glared at me for what felt like longer than it probably was. I was so damn tense, worried that Devil would punch him, that it screwed with my concentration. I breathed the longest sigh of relief when he finally said, “Fine. I’m leaving. B

ut don’t come crawling back to me when you realise I was right.”

A low growl sounded behind me as Devil pressed against my hand on his chest. But Wayne left us, and no harm came to pass. When I turned to face him, I found his angry eyes still following Wayne as he walked to his car.

I smacked his chest to gain his attention. “Devil.”

He grunted, and I got the impression it was taking all his restraint not to go after Wayne.

Scrunching a handful of his shirt, I pulled on it. “Devil, stop. I don’t want you doing something you might regret.”

His eyes cut to mine, still angry. “Darlin’, no way in hell would I fucking regret anything. That asshole needs to learn to shut his trap and not insult people.”

“That’s true, but honestly your response seemed a little over the top.”

“It wasn’t.” Fury still flashed in his eyes, and I wondered where it came from. I struggled to believe Wayne caused it all. There had to be something else going on here that I didn’t know about.

“You really believe that?” I knew bikers were renowned for using violence, but threatening Wayne in the manner he had seemed too much.

“We’re gonna have to agree to disagree on this one, Hailee.” He forced the words out on a harsh breath, unable to let his outrage go.

“Yeah, well I’m just telling you that I’m not a fan of unnecessary violence. You know my history with that. I don’t know anything about your club and what goes on there, but if we’re gonna keep dating, I’d rather you didn’t bring your temper home.” I pushed past him and went back inside. The confrontation between him and Wayne had really shaken me up, and I needed a moment to get myself together.

He didn’t follow me inside, so I guessed he needed the same thing. It was the first disagreement we’d had, and while we hadn’t really fought about it, I felt like this could turn into a problem for us. Devil was a biker after all and I hadn’t really stopped to think about that too much since I’d met him.