She lifted a brow. “Okay?”

“Okay, I’ll reconsider everything.” I wanted to scrape that damn brow from her face. She was always arching it, indicating her contempt for us.

“Good,” she snapped. Turning to address all the staff, she said, “I hope I can count on your continuing loyalty to this business also.” And then she exited the room, leaving me with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“Fuck, Hailee,” Leona said. “What are you going to do?”

I looked at her. “Do you really think that if I was willing to give Tricia up because of this project that I wouldn’t hesitate to give up this job?”

Her lips smooshed together in a sad frown. “Yeah, but we both know that you didn’t walk away from your best friend simply because she gave you an ultimatum and made you choose between her and the project.”

She was right. There was a fuckload more that had gone on in that relationship, but the nail in the coffin had been Tricia’s inability to share me with my new friends and the project that made my heart soar.

I nodded. “That’s true. But honestly, I’m going to look for another job,” I said as everyone in the room hustled around us to leave and get started for the day.

Rachel had put the fear of God into them. I’d seen it on their faces. And I’d wondered how many would stick with me and continue to offer free massages. Out of the fifteen masseuses who worked for her, seven of them donated their time to my project. I figured most of them needed this job more than they needed to help elderly people for free.

Leona stood and looked down at me. “I’ve decided to look for another job, too.”

“Oh, God,” I said, standing with her. “You guys really can’t afford to screw around with finances at the moment, Leona. I won’t accept your help with my project anymore.”

“Pfft,” she muttered. “I’d already decided to start looking. This just cements that decision. And if you think you can keep me away from helping, you’re dreaming. I’m with you on this 100 percent.”

I shook my head as I smiled at her. Leona was a stubborn woman, and I knew there was no way to change her mind.

For a day that had started off so well, it hadn’t taken long to turn to shit. And yet, I smiled all the way through the day knowing I’d get to see Devil later.

I arrived at Flirt early that night. Much earlier than needed to chat with my bandmates before we started playing. After a shitty day with Rachel constantly on my back, I’d decided to dance some stress off.

“What’ll it be tonight, babe?” Doug asked when I rested my arms on his counter.

“Hit me with something strong, please.”

“Bad day?”

“The worst. I need a strong drink and then an hour or so dancing, and then I’ll be good.” Thank goodness Doug heavily discounted my drinks, pretty much to the point of not charging me anything. And then putting what I owed him on a bar tab that he allowed me to pay off whenever I had money.

“You want me to blast your music for you?”

I smiled. Doug always looked after me when I felt the need to dance. I loved the good old Aussie rock that the pub preferred to play, but long ago I’d handed Doug a CD with the kind of rock I liked to dance to. I’d frequented the joint for long enough that the regulars put up with my music every now and then.

“You’re good to me, Doug.”

He made me a drink and said, “Just looking out for your mental health. And maybe mine. You forget that I’ve experienced your mood swings over the last two years.”

I took the drink as he passed it over. “Yeah, no one needs to experience that.” I’d had a few meltdowns over the years, especially over assholes who’d treated me badly. Doug, unfortunately, often copped the brunt of them.

He jerked his chin at me. “Drink up. I’ll sort your music out.”

I took a gulp of the drink. It tasted fruity and very alcoholic—exactly what I’d asked him for. “What is this?”

“It’s a zombie. Lots of rum in that one. Guaranteed to give you some buzz.”

I finished the drink and then headed out to the dance floor. Doug had already started playing my music, and a few minutes later, I was dancing, eyes closed, working the tension from my body.

A good hour, maybe more, passed before I decided I’d had enough. A few other girls had joined me on the dance floor, but mostly I’d danced alone, which was the way I preferred it. Getting lost in the beat drowned out the thoughts running through my mind, and I always felt refreshed afterwards. Sweaty, but refreshed.

As I made my way towards the back room where there was a bathroom I could shower in, Devil stepped in front of me. His eyes found mine, and I shivered at the desire I saw there. “I’ve been thinking about you all fucking day, darlin’. And after watching you