The smile on her face seemed to have settled there. “Okay, you’ve gotta give me three things about you, then. Anything. And then I’ll give you three things about me.”

Shifting on my feet, I turned my body to face her. I loved that she kept her hand on my waist. “What shit do you wanna know, gorgeous?”

She thought about that for a minute, and then her smile morphed into a grin. “Tell me your favourite movie.”

That was an easy one. Growing up, we’d watched it over and over to the point I could recite it along with the characters. “The Karate Kid.”

“You surprise me, Devil. I thought for sure you were gonna say some violent action flick. Any others?”

I had to dig deep, because I didn’t watch movies often. “What’s the name of that one with that chick from the movie with the bus that the guy from The Matrix was in? The chick from the bus movie takes in a poor kid who goes on to become a top football player.”

She laughed and shook her head. “Your clues are a mess, dude, but it’s The Blind Side. And it’s Sandra Bullock who stars in it.”

“Good flick. Fucking loved her character.” I pulled her closer to me. “What are your favourites?”

“My absolute favourite movie ever is Marley and Me.”

“The dog flick, yeah?”


“Guaranteed to make any chick bawl.” I made a mental note to watch it with her simply for the opportunity to get her in my arms when she started crying.

She nodded and her hand squeezed my waist as she said, “Okay, favourite thing to do on a Sunday.”

“Why a Sunday?”

“Because that’s our rest day.”

“Fuck, are you a happy clapper?”

Laughing, she said, “I’m not sure. What’s a happy clapper?”

“A religious nut.”

“Ah, I see the math you did there. Rest day, religion. I believe in God, but I’m not into church or any of that, if that’s what you mean. When I talk about rest day, I just mean that I personally believe in taking one day a week and doing nothing but things you love.”

It was my turn to smile. “So the fact you chose to hang out with me yesterday was a good sign that you really like me?”

She reached for my face and angled it down so she could kiss me. “You should most definitely take that as a good sign.”

I warred with myself over the desire to keep her lips on mine versus the desire to finish this conversation. In the end, I decided I wanted to know shit about her more than I wanted a few minutes kissing her. “Okay, tell me your favourite things for a Sunday.”

“Well, besides having drinks with hot bikers, I love to go out dancing or to see a live band. A lazy sleep in is always a good way to start the day, and time with friends shopping and having lunch is always good, too.”

I narrowed my eyes at her. “When you say drinks with hot bikers, plural, that was just a slip of the tongue, wasn’t it?”

Her body swayed against mine a little as she softly laughed at that. “Of course. There’s only one hot biker I know. The rest aren’t hot.”

We needed to move away from this topic. Usually, I had a good sense of humour and could handle teasing like this, but with Hailee, I was experiencing a weird rush of territorial bullshit. I’d always lived with the belief that if the person you were with wanted someone else, then so be it; you weren’t meant to be. I hadn’t ever really experienced jealousy. Suddenly, jealousy was crawling all over me, and I didn’t know what to do with it.

I reached for the coffee I’d made and passed it to her. “What are you doing tonight?”

Taking a sip, she looked at me over the rim of the mug. “Are you trying to change the subject? You haven’t told me your favourite Sunday things yet.”

This conversation I could handle. I grinned. “Darlin’, there’re only two things a Sunday should be reserved for. A long ride and sex.”

“You’re not a Sunday armchair sportsman, then?”