Her lips curled as she smiled. That smile made it all the way to her e

yes, too, as she reached for my waist. Her fingers ghosted over my skin lightly before she gripped me. Moving closer, she stood on her toes and planted a good-morning kiss on my mouth.

Hailee’s morning kisses were something I was going to work hard to experience on a regular basis. She didn’t stop at one; she kept going until our bodies melded together, our arms clung to each other and we were breathless. She tasted like toothpaste, and I loved that she’d felt comfortable enough to use my stuff.

When she finished kissing me and tried to pull away, I grabbed my tee she wore and pulled her back to me. My other hand held her ass as I said, “You don’t think a man could be satisfied with a few kisses, do you?”

She slid a hand over my shoulder and up into my hair at the back of my neck. “I’m dying for a coffee. I’ve been awake for at least an hour, and believe me when I tell you that if I don’t get caffeine in the morning, I’m a grumpy bitch.”

I gripped her ass harder. “First, you might be dying for coffee, but I’m dying for pussy. Second, why the fuck didn’t you wake me an hour ago? I could have had my fill, and you could be on your way to caffeine. And third”—I dipped my mouth to her neck and sucked her there for a moment before glancing up—“I’d like to see the grumpy, bitchy side of you. I think it’d get my dick even harder for you.”

She moved her hands so she could push against my chest. “I hate to break it to you, bossman, but I have to go to work today. There’s no pussy worshipping time available to you this morning.”

As I let her go, I said, “You’re fucking killing me here, Hailee. How long do I have?”

“You have the time it takes you to make me a coffee and talk to me for fifteen minutes. Then I have to go home so I can get ready.”

“Your take-charge attitude turns me on, but let’s remember who’s the boss here.” Truth be told, I could go all day with her trying to boss me.

She lifted a brow. “Let’s remember who has the pussy here.”

I snaked my arm around her waist and yanked her back to me. Bending my mouth to her ear, I growled, “And let’s remember just how wet that pussy is for me. I’ll give you your coffee and conversation this morning, but to be clear, you’re back in my bed tonight, and my dick will be deep inside you more than once.”

Her breaths came faster at that. Finding my eyes again after I let her go, she said, “Damn, you are demanding.”

“I am. Now move that sweet ass into my kitchen so I’m not wasting a minute of the time I have left with you this morning.”

She did as I said, and a minute later, I had her sitting on my kitchen counter while I made us coffee. Her legs dangled over the edge while she leant back and rested her hands behind her. I loved how at home she looked. How at ease she seemed with me already.

“How long have you been with Storm?”

I filled the kettle and spooned coffee into mugs. “Seven years.”

“How old were you then?”


“What made you join? Like, did you grow up around the club?”

I rested my ass against the counter and folded my arms over my chest while I waited for the kettle to boil and contemplated sharing the truth of my story with Hailee. I didn’t usually tell it to anyone and especially not women I wanted to sleep with, but I already knew I wanted something with her. And if she couldn’t accept my club ties, we had no chance at anything.

“You sure you wanna know that story, darlin’? It’s probably not one you’d like.”

“If there’s one thing I’ve learnt in my thirty years, it’s that perfection doesn’t exist. Everyone’s story is filled with imperfection. And who am I to judge yours?”

“Why the fuck did it take us so long to meet? I’ve been going to that pub for years, and not once have I seen you play there.”

She smiled. “I think we meet people when we’re supposed to. When we need them.”

I uncrossed my arms and let them drop to my sides. “That seems like very fucking woo-woo-out-there kinda shit. I’m not sure I buy into that. What about the people we meet that are assholes? What do we need them for?”

Her smile grew. “Maybe they need us. Maybe they’ll teach us a lesson, in which case we do need them.”

The kettle boiled at that point, and I turned to make coffee. “Milk? Sugar?”

“Just a tiny splash of milk, please. No sugar.” I heard her feet hit the floor, and a moment later, her arm slid around my waist. “So will you tell me your story about Storm, or will I have to wait for that?” She paused for a second. “Just so you know, I’m down for waiting. We’ve got all the time to get to our stories.”

I turned my face to look at her. “Yeah, we do,” I murmured. “I think I might leave that one for another day.” She really wasn’t ready for that one.