“What would you have done, Nitro, if you’d been in my shoes? King stripped my vice presidency from me because I made one fucking mistake, and then he did everything in his power to cut me from the club. He chose pussy over a brother. Tell me that you wouldn’t have taken that as a reason to walk away.”

I was confused, not knowing the full story, but I was under the impression that Ghost was still a club member. “You left the club?”

Ghost met my gaze. “I’m nomad now. Stuck in a fucking prison for the shit I did for a club that didn’t have my back after all.”

“For fuck’s sake, Ghost, when did you start making shit up in your head?” Nitro glanced at me. “He made a play for King’s woman—”

Ghost cut in. “When I was fucking drunk!”

“So that makes it okay?” Nitro threw out.

Ghost raked his fingers through his hair. “It was a bad move, but you can’t tell me you haven’t done dumb shit after a few drinks.”

Nitro leant forward. “But it wasn’t the first time, was it, Ghost? You’d done that shit before. King forced Jen to tell him the truth after you were locked up. Turned out you hit on her almost every time you got wasted, and she didn’t tell King because she didn’t want to cause problems in the club.”

“Yeah, well that didn’t give King the right to take my vice presidency away and give it to Hyde.” He looked at me. “Does he still put pussy before his brothers?”

I’d heard just about enough. “I’ve never seen King choose a woman over his brothers. And I’m betting there’s more to this story than the shit you’re spinning.”

“There sure fucking is,” Nitro said, but didn’t elaborate.

Ghost didn’t respo

nd. He simply sat there seething.

“How about we get down to business?” I suggested, having had enough of this conversation. Ghost didn’t appear to be the kind of person to ever consider he could be wrong. “What did the feds want when they spoke with you?”

Ghost crossed his arms over his chest again. He sat in silence for a beat, but quickly came to his senses. “They were asking questions about Storm’s drug trade.”

Nitro frowned. “What, from ten years ago when you actually had something to do with it?”

“Yeah, that and they also wanted to know what I knew about the shit that went down with Moses.”

Fuck. This couldn’t be good. The Moses incident should never have seen the light of day. We’d buried that, never to be heard of again.

The vein in Nitro’s temple pulsed. “What the fuck do they know about Moses?”

“I don’t know. I told them I knew nothing.”

“So they just left it at that?”

“For now. I’ve a feeling they’ll be back, though.”

“Why?” I demanded.

Smug delight flashed on his face. “Because they want to bring King down.”

The vein that had pulsed at Nitro’s temple damn near pushed through his skin. “And let me guess, you want to help with that. Except, if you do, all bets are off the table as far as Ashlyn’s concerned.” He stood. “Are we on the same page?”

“Yeah, we’re on the same fucking page, Nitro,” Ghost replied. “But when I get out of here, you’d better watch your back, motherfucker. No one threatens my sister and gets away with it.”

“You think you’re getting out of here?” Nitro took a step away from the table. “You might wanna stop making threats if you ever want that to happen.”

I wasn’t sure what to make of Ghost and his threats, but Nitro’s? I’d never cross him. If he threatened to find a way to keep me in jail, I’d believe every word he said.

As Nitro left the table, I said to Ghost, “Not sure how well you know him, but I’d never fuck with Nitro. Make sure you call us when you hear from the feds again.”