Hyde stared at me. “Where’s your fucking head at these days, brother?”

I didn’t like the accusation I heard. Hyde had been riding my ass for days, and I’d had enough. “Where the fuck do you think it is?”

“I’ll tell you where it’s not. It’s not focused on your club, and that shit needs to stop today. We need you alert and ready at a moment’s notice, and I’m not convinced you’re any of those things.”

My shoulders tightened and I clenched my fists. I’d fucking knock him out if he kept this shit up. “I’m here every-fucking-day, from almost sun up to way past sun-fucking-down, Hyde. I’m giving everything to this club and I’m ready for whatever Silver Hell bring at us. I don’t know what the fuck’s gotten into you this week, but I’m goddam tired of you breathing down my fucking neck for something I haven’t done.”

His glare didn’t let up. “So that’s why you forgot to tell us that Silver Hell had a meeting with Sutherland this week and why you were late for Church two days ago. Yeah, I’d say your commitment is solid, Nitro.” He turned the keys in the ignition. “Sort your shit out and do it fast.”

* * *

I sat back in the armchair, wrapped my hand around my dick, and watched as Tatum came towards me. I’d been thinking about her all fucking day. Her sweet cunt was never far from my thoughts these days. Almost three weeks of fucking her daily, usually twice a day, and I had turned into a junkie. I craved being inside her in a way I’d never craved pussy. Hell, the fact I kept coming back for more even though I knew she’d never let me fuck her the way I wanted to, said a fuck of a lot.

“Been thinking about you today,” she said as she stood in front of me, positioning her feet on the floor either side of my legs.

I ran my eyes over her naked body and pressed a hand to her thigh, curling my fingers around her leg. I continued to slide my other hand up and down my dick. “Tell me what you were thinking.”

“I was wondering how it would feel if you fucked me bare.”

I gripped her leg harder and pumped my cock a little faster. Her voice was like a stream of sex floating all around me. She intoxicated me with that fucking voice, almost as much as she did with her scent and her touch and her taste. “You wanna feel my dick, skin-to-skin, Vegas?”

She bent and her legs slid along mine as she sat on me. I wished like hell I was naked, too. One thrust and I’d be inside her. She linked her hands around my neck. “I bet you’re thinking that if you didn’t have those jeans on right now, you’d be inside me already.”

Tatum’s mind worked in ways I appreciated. Smart as hell and dirty as fuck, she was in sync with me when it came to sex. Except when it came to letting me take my blade to her. “How about you take them off so I can show you how good I feel?”

She pressed her body hard against mine and brought her lips close to my mouth. So damn close I could feel her breath. Could practically taste her. “How about I drag this out so that by the time you show me how good it feels, you’re worked up as fuck and you bring your fury with you.”

I scooped her hair into my hand and tugged it. “My fury?”

She rocked into me. “Yeah,” she murmured, biting my bottom lip and sucking it into her mouth. “I like it when you slam that dick of yours into me like you’re trying to push it all the way through me.”

“Jesus,” I hissed. “You’re a dirty fucking girl, Vegas.”

Her eyes held mine. “I’m an honest fucking girl, Nitro. I don’t pussyfoot around when it comes to sex. I like cock and I fucking love yours. And I have no issues telling a guy how I like him to use his cock.”

Her honesty was something that drew me to her. I liked her no-bullshit approach to life. Letting go of her hair, I ran my hands down her back and cupped her ass when I reached it. Holding her tight, I pushed up out of the chair, taking her with me. Her legs wrapped around my body and I walked us into her bedroom.

I deposited her on the bed and then undid my jeans. Her eyes tracked my movements and her breathing picked up as she watched my clothes fall to the ground.

Lowering myself to the bed, I moved over her. I slid my dick through her wetness and said, “Do you know what I have no issues with?”

“What?” she panted.

“With a woman who tells me like it is. And whose cunt is as greedy as yours is for me.”

She folded her legs around me and clung tightly. “Well, I’m telling you right now, you need to get that dick inside me and you need to do it fast.”

My eyes searched hers. “I don’t have a condom on, Tatum.”

She knew what I was asking and what I was saying. At her nod and, “I know,” my restraint snapped and I thrust inside her exactly how she liked it. With all the fury I’d been living that day.

“Oh, God,” Tatum moaned, squeezing me harder. “Yes!”

Fuck, being inside Tatum was where I needed to be. It was as if I broke away from the world the minute I entered her. All the complicated shit in my life was left behind, all the worry eased, all the baggage I carried dropped. When I was deep in her, all I chased was the hush, the calm, the fucking peace that being with her brought me.

Her fingernails clawed down my back as I pounded into her. She met every thrust, taking it hungrily and pushing me for more. In return, I drove my dick as far into her as I could, as hard as I fucking could, giving her the fury she wanted.

I fucked her like a savage.