He growled deeply as his arms circled my body and he lifted me.

“Wait,” I said, concerned. “I don’t want you to hurt yourself any more than you already are.”

“Wrap your legs around me, because I’m going to fuck you, even if it kills me.”

I did what he said because one look at his determined expression told me he meant every word. Once my legs were around him, he walked me to the bed and placed me on it. He then slid his hands up my legs, hooked his fingers into my panties and pulled them off.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he rasped as he straddled me. His attention was completely on my body, and his gaze lingered on every inch of me. His hands and mouth moved over my skin slowly, as if he was making art on me. He seemed spellbound and in turn, I was too, because this wasn’t the Nitro I knew. And it stunned me that he could be like this, especially after the violent beating he’d taken.

Fucking Nitro was usually like diving into a raging ocean. The beautiful frenzy of it both exhausted and calmed me. I’d never experienced anything like it in my life. Sex had become more than just a physical act with him. Even though it could be furious and brutal, I knew we both used it as a way of dealing with our darkness. It soothed us. If only for that time we were joined as one, we breathed a little easier.

But the way he caressed me was a whole other thing. I’d never been touched like I was priceless and precious before, and that was how Nitro was touching me. It soothed me in a way I’d never imagined possible.

He surrounded me with care.

He wrapped me in devotion.

He breathed life into me.

When Nitro finally entered me, he’d found his fury again, and he fucked me with that rough energy I hungered for. We were a storm and serenity all rolled into one. But it was the storm we both needed the most.



“The Pretender” by The Foo Fighters

I watched King as he entered the room. He’d called Church unexpectedly, and that always meant he had something to tell us. Something was going down, and I was on edge.

His eyes met mine before he spoke. I didn’t like what I saw there.




Tearing his gaze from mine, he looked around the room. His body was rigid as fuck and when he finally announced his news, I understood why.

“We’re not buying guns off Sutherland. We’ll be proceeding with the deal Joseph Lockwood brought to us.”

It was a fucking kick in the gut. The tension I’d been carrying for months finally threatened to snap and I shoved my chair back and stood.

“Why?” I thundered, unable to hold my anger back.

King turned to me. There was no anger there, no glare, nothing. Just a shitload of unspoken apologies. “I don’t trust Dragon. We might be in bed with him over this Gambarro shit, but I don’t want to rely on Sutherland if Dragon’s in his ear. Fuck knows what could happen down the track after we’re finished with Gambarro. Better to build a relationship with another supplier now.”

I pointed my finger at the bruises on my face and body. “Jesus Christ, King, you’ve seen what he’s capable of. I’d rather get in bed with Billy if our only other option is Joseph.”

He ran his hand over his face as he shook his head. “With the amount of guns and ammo we need, that option is off the table. Billy would bleed us dry with what he charges.” He didn’t acknowledge the beating I’d taken, but then o

ur world was full of violence, so I shouldn’t have been surprised. Still, it cut that he didn’t care.

“Fuck!” I spun around and punched the wall, letting my anger flow out of me.

Hyde spoke up. “I’m on board with using Joseph.”

Of course he fucking was. And so, it turned out, was everyone else. The mighty dollar guaranteed that. With the tens of thousands of dollars we’d save buying from Joseph, they all jumped in quickly with their support for the decision.