King listened and then nodded. “I hear you, brother, and I will take that into consideration. But you’ve gotta understand that our family has been threatened, and I will do anything I need to do to make sure we don’t go down. If it turns out that Joseph is the best decision for us, I won’t hesitate to make it.”

A commotion in the hallway drew our attention, and I turned to find Devil and Hyde entering the bar with the Silver Hell president in front of them. Dragon’s gaze met King’s and he made his way over to where we sat.

King shoved his chair back, furious. “What the fuck?” he demanded.

Dragon raised his hands at the same time that Hyde said, “He wants to talk to you about the shit that’s been going down.”

King’s cold eyes met Dragon’s. “Haven’t we done all the talking we need to?”

“I’ve got new information that you’re going to want to know,” Dragon said, his body as tense as King’s.

“You came alone?” King asked.

Dragon nodded and Hyde confirmed it for King.

Dragon had some fucking balls to come on his own. It made me wonder what the hell he was about to tell King. I figured it had to be something that guaranteed his safety.

King nodded at the table. “All right then, let’s hear it.”

Dragon pulled up a seat and started talking. “I recently learnt that we have a common enemy. Angelo Gambarro.” He paused, waiting for King’s reaction. King scowled and nodded for him to continue. “He’s been out for your blood since you killed his uncle. As for us, he wants in on our territory. When he discovered that our clubs had issues, he started playing us against each other.”

“As in he’s responsible for some of the shit that’s been happening?”

Dragon nodded. “Yeah. As in, he’s responsible for that car bomb as well as some other stuff you think we did.”

“Motherfucker,” King swore.

“I don’t know about you, but I fucking want him dead. And I think we have a better chance of bringing him down if we do it together.”

King stared at Dragon as if that was the last thing he expected to come out of his mouth. “After everything we’ve been through, you really think that’s a fucking possibility?”

“If there’s one thing I hate the most, it’s being played, King. You and me, our clubs, we’re upfront about the shit that goes down between us, but this cunt fucking cheated his way to get what he wants. I’ll be fucking damned if I let him achieve his goal.”

Honour among thieves.

Before King could respond, Hyde threw out, “Fuck it, King, he’s right.”

“I agree,” Devil said.

King turned to the room. “Anyone against this idea?”

Mass agreement filled the room. King eyed me. “Nitro?”

I nodded. “I’m with Dragon. I say bury him.”

The shifting loyalties of the underbelly was well known. How long we’d align ourselves with Silver Hell was to be seen, but for now I’d happily pursue our common goal of seeing Gambarro go down.

King walked Dragon out and spent about ten minutes talking with him. When he returned, he shared some of the shit they’d discussed. He looked at me as he said, “Dragon’s going to talk with Sutherland to organise for him to supply us with guns again.”

I exhaled a long breath.

Thank fuck.



“Breathe” by Faith Hill