“Live And Let Die” by Guns N’ Roses

King barked orders like he was running World War III. It felt like he was. The bomb in Slider’s car had killed him and injured three more members who had been entering the grounds on their bikes. They’d been lucky to escape death.

A hand landed on my shoulder and I turned to find Hyde behind me. “You and I are gonna round up some boys and go take a look at Silver Hell’s clubhouse. I have a feeling they’re not gonna be there, and wanna confirm it before we set new plans in play.”

“We also need to sort out what we’re gonna do with our families, Hyde. Our resources will be spread thin now, too thin to allocate a watch over everyone.” Ever since we’d realised Silver Hell’s agenda to harm club members’ families, we’d stationed men to watch over them. We needed those men back after this and I’d be fucked if I was gonna leave Renee and Dustin out there on their own with this kind of threat hanging over us. I wanted them at the clubhouse, safe.

“Yeah. You round up the boys while I discuss that with King,” he agreed and left me to go talk with King.

* * *

Two hours later, Hyde, Devil, Kick and I entered our clubhouse after verifying that Silver Hell were nowhere to be found. We’d checked their clubhouse, as well as the bars and clubs we knew they frequented. After that, we called around to see if anyone knew where they were, and were met with silence. Either no one knew or they weren’t talking.

Chaos had broken out while we were gone. We returned to find the clubhouse packed with men, women and kids. The noise was deafening, the tension visible.

Pushing our way through to the office, the four of us relayed what we’d discovered to King.

“This had to be Silver Hell,” he said.

Hyde nodded. “Seems that way.”

King’s face hardened. “I want them flushed out, and I don’t care how we do it. Visit all their strip clubs, all their friends, anyone and everyone, and find out where they are.”

His phone sounded with a call and he dismissed us as he pressed it to his ear.

I was halfway down the hallway outside of his office when he called me back. “You look like you wanna kill me,” I said when I stood in front of him again.

“That blonde is proving to be a fucking headache, Nitro.”


He held his phone up. ?

?That was Billy. He’s outside and wants her to leave with him. Says he’ll reconsider our new agreement for him to supply weapons and ammo if we don’t allow her to leave.”

“I’ll take care of it.”

“Make sure you take care of it so that it never causes me another headache.”

I lifted my chin at him signalling I would and then stalked out of his office to find Tatum.

I found her sitting in the clubhouse bar talking to a woman behind the bar who I’d never met. “Vegas,” I barked, cutting in on their conversation.

Her head whipped around and I was met with a glare. “I’m in the middle of a conversation.”

Ignoring that, I said, “I need you to come with me.”

She remained silent for a good few moments. I figured she was weighing her options, but there were none to be had and she figured that out fast. Sliding off her stool, she said goodbye to the woman and followed me out of the bar.

I led her outside to the front gate where Billy waited. The expression on his face was pure rage. “What the fuck, Nitro? I’m not good enough to enter your fucking clubhouse?”

Before I could answer, Tatum cut in. “What are you doing here, Billy? I told you I couldn’t leave.”

His eyes darted between the two of us before settling on her. “And I told you I could protect you. You don’t need to stay with him.” The contempt was clear in his voice. Billy and I had a hard history.

I spoke up. “She’s not going anywhere, Billy. Silver Hell has her on their radar. They get to her, you’ll come after us, and that’s not something we need.”

He stepped closer to me. “I don’t think you understand that if you don’t allow her to come, I’m pulling our deal.”