A vein pulsed in his temple and he clenched his jaw. “Because you’re pretty on the outside but dark and dirty”—he pressed a finger to my chest—“in here.”

My breaths lay trapped in my throat as heat flamed my cheeks. I stared at him while self-loathing filled me. He had no idea how right he was. “Fuck you,” I spat, taking a step back, almost stumbling again.

With a clenched jaw and flared nostrils, he lunged forward, catching me around the waist. He then backed me up against the wall, pressing his body hard against mine. Our breaths came hard and fast as we glared at ea

ch other. “I recognise fucked-up when I see it, Tatum. It’s like looking in a fucking mirror.”

I wiggled my arms up between our bodies so I could try to force some space between us, even if it was only a tiny amount of distance. The pain this all caused was almost too much, but no way would I show him that. Instead, I focused on breathing through it, hoping it would subside quickly. “I am nothing like you.”

He nodded. “Yeah, you are. I’ve done my research.”

I swallowed hard, taking in what he’d said while trying to force my shame away. It didn’t matter how many times I told myself I’d moved past my self-disgust, it was a lie; it still consumed me.

When I didn’t speak, he continued, “I don’t know what drives a lawyer to forget which side of the law she’s on, but I’m guessing it was something she’s not proud of. And then, after her profession kicks her out, to go to work for the dirty criminals of this city, getting them out of shit any way she can, that says a fuck-of-a-lot about a person. So don’t tell me you’re not fucked-up because not only do I recognise it, I’ve read all about it, too.”

I pushed against him, but he was too heavy and strong for me, and didn’t budge. I wanted to scream at him and kick him and beat against his chest, but I knew it wouldn’t get me anywhere. Nitro had me trapped. In the end, I simply said, “What do you want?”

He kept me caged against the wall. “Silver Hell know you were in that room when I killed their man. They’re looking for you.”

Of course they were.

Fucking brilliant.

“So you’ve come to save me? Like a white fucking knight?”

Anger growled out of him. “That fucking attitude of yours will get you killed one day, but today is not that day. I’m only here because you mean something to Billy and at the moment he means something to Storm. The minute that changes, you’re on your fucking own.” He stepped away from me, but kept his hard eyes on mine. “Now, pack some shit, because you’re coming with me.”

He had to be kidding. “So you can tie me up again and chain me to your fucking bed?”

His boots thudded as he closed the distance between us again. Taking hold of my arm, he yanked me with him while he stalked into my bedroom. I did my best to ignore the pain his grip caused, but it was too intense and a cry fell from my mouth. He scowled at me, as if he wanted me to contain it. “Pack your bag or I’ll pack it for you.”

He left me then and I sat on my bed, desperate to gather my thoughts. The alcohol hindered my ability to think straight, as did the pain racking my body.


A knock on my front door caused my head to snap up. I groaned when I heard Duvall call out, “Tatum.” And when I heard Nitro’s boots cut a path to the door, I practically ran in that direction. The last thing I needed was Duvall going up against Nitro.

I arrived just in time to see Duvall’s eyes flare with distaste as he took in Nitro. “Who the hell are you?” he asked. He knew the kind of people I worked with, which meant he also understood the risk I took with my personal safety. I guessed he was concerned for me, and that was something I needed to alter if I had any hope of him leaving.

Staring at my friend, willing him to go, I said, “What’s up?”

Jerking his chin at Nitro, he said, “This is how you’re spending your nights now?”

“Careful,” Nitro warned in a deep voice. “The next words out of your mouth better not insult either her or me.” It surprised me that he’d even care about me being insulted, but I didn’t have time to dissect that.

Duvall stepped closer and by the angry expression on his face, I knew he was about to disregard that warning, so I cut him off.

“Yes, this is how I’m spending my nights,” I said, knowing he’d back down if he believed I was seeing Nitro. He might have wanted to start something with me, but Duvall never cut in on another man’s territory.

He pursed his lips. “Really? You’re a biker whore now?”

Nitro growled again, anger spilling out of him. When he took a step forward, my instincts took over and I flung an arm out in front of him, covering his chest and halting his progress. His eyes came to mine, a hard glint in them. I returned that look, now willing him to not turn this into something more.

I glanced at Duvall as I angled my body towards Nitro and placed my arms around him. “Yes, really. Did you come here to tell me something?” I hated treating him like this, but felt it was the only way.

Nitro’s body tensed and he didn’t reciprocate my gesture. I couldn’t see his face, but I could imagine he’d fixed a filthy look on Duvall.

Taking a step back, Duvall said, “No, nothing that can’t wait. I’d hate to interrupt you two.” With that, he muttered something else under his breath and strode down my path towards his car.