“You’d also do well never to touch me without my permission,” she said calmly before dropping my arm and turning to leave.

Fuck, she was feisty. I wasn’t a fan of attitude off a woman, but I couldn’t deny my dick was hard as hell. I wondered what kind of man Tatum Lee usually fucked, because it sure as hell wouldn’t be a man like me. I’d have to fuck that feisty out of her and I doubted she’d surrender easily, if at all.

* * *

I sat on my bike in the clubhouse car park later that night, watching as Brittany left. Thunder cracked overhead as another storm threatened. It’d been a long fucking day and my mind ticked over with thoughts of stopping by a club I frequented to find a woman to lose myself in for the night.


Turning, I found Kick approaching, a look of concern etched on his face.

“What’s up?”

“Silver Hell got to that casino surveillance before we did. They’re looking for the blonde who was with you.”


“Yeah, I figured that wasn’t good news since she’s tied up with Billy.”

I scrubbed a hand over my face. It definitely wasn’t good news. Not after we’d managed to get Billy to agree to supply us with guns and ammo. If Silver Hell found Tatum, they’d kill her, and Billy would blame us as much as them.

“I’ll take care of it,” I said.

He nodded. “One other thing, I found someone to replace Brittany. Recommended by Nash, so I’m hoping that means she’s not gonna cause any problems.” Nash was a member of the Brisbane Storm chapter so I figured he wouldn’t recommend someone he didn’t trust.

Lightning streaked through the sky as I sped out of the car park. So much for finding some pussy for the night. Instead, I’d be finding Tatum Lee.



“I See Fire” by Ed Sheeran

I stumbled as I tried to avoid the cracks in the path as I walked the short distance between my front gate and my front door. I wasn’t sure if it was because of the heels I wore or the rum I’d consumed, but I leaned heavily towards the rum. Unfortunately when I decided to drown my feelings with alcohol, I did a bang up job of it. My feelings were successfully numbed for the night. The only problem with that was they would all return tomorrow. Missing my brother was something that would never go away.

As I pushed open my front door, a figure emerged from the shadows on my veranda and a deep voice I’d heard too many times that day, spoke into my ear, “You’ve been drinking, Vegas. Not the best move when people are after you. You’re lucky it’s me here tonight and not someone else.”

As I attempted to process what he said, he placed a hand on the small of my back and guided both of us inside.


He was right; I should have known better. I should have done everything to maintain my vigilance, but the painful memories had assaulted me and rum had been my only escape.

And now Nitro was inside my fucking house.

He directed me down my hallway to the kitchen before my mind finally kicked into gear. As it did, I forced my elbow back into his gut and picked up my pace to move ahead of him.

“Fuck,” he swore as I stepped out of his hold.

Turning to face him, I reached into my handbag for the pocketknife I kept there. Flicking it open, I held it between us defensively. “Don’t take another fucking step.”

Surprise flared in his eyes and he stopped moving. “Go fucking figure,” he murmured.

“Go figure what?” I snapped.

He watched me silently for a few moments before stepping forward. His damn reflexes were faster than mine and he swiftly took the knife from me. His hard eyes met mine. “You’ve got a thing for knives, Vegas?”

I slammed my hands against his chest. “Why the fuck do you keep calling me Vegas?”