Hyde’s face lit up. “Watching it burn to the ground was the highlight of my week.”

King continued, “Next up is to hit them hard where it will hurt the most after the loss of that club. Bronze and his boys will raid their other clubs and find drugs, which should close them down. They’ll be in a world of financial hurt after that, but we need to be ready for the unexpected. Dragon will come after us with everything he has, so I want you to keep your ears to the ground and bring me anything you hear.” He lifted his chin at me, indicating that as Sergeant-at-Arms, it was my turn to take over.

Shifting so I could rest my arms on the table, I said, “Our plan hasn’t changed. I’ve given each of you the information you need to carry out the next step. You need something, you come to me.” I turned to Kick. “How did you go with that security footage from the casino?” I’d texted him the previous night asking him to take care of wiping all traces of me from the casino.

“All done,” he said.

“Thanks, brother.”

As I sat back, King asked, “Any questions before we get to work?” When none were forthcoming, he ended the meeting and everyone filed out.

Although the first round of attacks had gone to plan, the mood was anything but celebratory—we had a long way to go before that.



“Sucker For Pain” by Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa, Imagine Dragons

Billy took one look at me when I entered his office the afternoon after Nitro dropped me at home and swore. “Those motherfuckers will pay for this!”

I held up my hand as I took the seat across from him at his desk. “Storm didn’t do this to me, Billy. It was the Silver Hell biker they killed who did it.”

He ran his eyes over my body, taking in the bruises that had settled into place on my arms and face. The ones on my back and legs were covered by my clothes. They were nastier and I was glad he couldn’t see them. Meeting my gaze, he said¸ “Fuck, Tatum, did you go to the hospital? Is anything broken?”

I shook my head. “Maybe a rib or two, but other than that it just looks bad. Nothing some painkillers and time won?

?t fix.”

He threw his pen down and leaned back in his chair. “You’re always so damn practical. It’s what I fucking love about you, but this time I’m taking charge and calling the doctor in to check on you.” At my scowl, he held up his hand and shook his head. “Don’t argue with me. I’ll have him here within the hour. In the meantime, you can start figuring out a way to get Posey off some drug charges brought against her last night. Fucking dumb bitch.”

I pursed my lips. “Don’t talk about the girls like that, Billy, they pay your fucking bills.”

“They also give me more headaches than I care for. Sort it out, Tatum, because otherwise she’s gone. I don’t need her problems on top of all the other shit we’re trying to deal with.”

I stood. “Is she here?”

He nodded. “Yes. And once you’ve fixed that, I need you to work out the scheduling issues they’re having before we go over the licencing for the new club.” Reaching for his phone, he added, “I’ll text you when the doc arrives.”

His concern meant something. It wasn’t often Billy Jones cared about someone enough to call a doctor for them. But gushing displays of emotion and thanks weren’t something either of us was good at or known for, so I simply nodded. “Thanks, Billy.”

As I turned to leave, he called out, “Six years, Tatum.”

I frowned as I glanced back at him. “Six years, what?”

Moving to where I stood, he came close and ran his finger down my cheek, so lightly I could hardly feel it. “It’s been six years since you smashed your car into mine. Six years since that day you told me to go fuck myself when I accused you of driving like an idiot.”

I had no idea where he was heading with this. “And what, Billy? You’re not going all fucking sentimental on me, are you?”

The hard glint in his eyes that he was known for remained when he spoke again, as did the hard tone he usually took, and yet there was something undeniably caring in his words. “I was fucking worried about you last night. Don’t do that shit again.”

I stared at him for a beat. “So long as no one else murders someone I love, we’re good.”

“Jesus, Tatum.” He waved me away. “Go. Take care of business and try to stay out of fucking trouble.”

* * *

I found Posey in the dressing room. Her eyes came straight to mine and I nodded at the regret I saw there. Taking a seat next to her, I said, “You fucked up.”