“Fuck.” He groaned as water streamed over us. “I’ve been thinking about you all fucking day.”

Catching him around the neck, I pulled his face down to mine

so I could kiss him. “Are you close to coming?”

He nodded, and I could tell by the way his body tensed that he was. “Yeah,” he forced out, his breathing ragged.

“Well, champ, I’m not wrapping my lips around you. If your dick’s that hard, I want it inside me.”

Amusement flashed in his eyes and he pressed his mouth to mine again, demanding another kiss. When he was done, he muttered, “Champ….”

I grinned as I looped my arms around his neck. He let his dick go so he could take hold of my ass and lift me. Wrapping my legs around him, I closed my eyes as he thrust inside me. “Fuck,” I cried and held on tight while he gave me what we both craved.

His fury.

And when we were done, he reminded me why I loved him. He pulled out and took hold of my face with both his hands. After he kissed me for a long time, he said, “I love you.”

He gave me his unconditional love.

Loving Nitro was easy because there was nothing required in return. When he loved, he simply loved.



“I’m In” by Keith Urban

“I got my licence!” Renee squealed as she flashed it at us. Her whole face lit up with happiness, and it hit me fair in the gut. It was about damn time our family had as much happiness as we’d had recently. It’d been almost two months since Joseph’s death and instead of waking each day wondering what bad shit would happen, I woke only thinking of the good in my life.

Tatum grinned from where she sat on the couch next to me. We’d both finished work early and had spent the afternoon in bed and then in front of the television. She’d brought some work home and was finishing it off when Renee came barging through the front door.

“Fantastic!” Tatum said. “First go, too. Must be all those hours you did with me that helped you.”

After I insisted she clock up more than the required 120 hours, Renee had worked her ass off and finished up with more than 150 hours, a lot of which had been done with Tatum.

I stood and moved to her. Pulling her into a hug, I said, “I’m proud of you, kiddo. Gotta say, though, there was no doubt in my mind that you’d pass.”

Tears misted her eyes and she swallowed hard. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“What for? Showing you how to drive? That wasn’t hard. You’ve got nothing to thank me for.”

She shook her head. “No, for being my dad. I know that sounds weird because my mum’s your sister and all, but as far as I’m concerned, you’re my dad. You did all the hours, lost all the sleep, cared for me when I was sick, gave up your house for us, paid for a lot of shit. You did all the things a dad does, so you’re mine.”

I took all that in and let it settle deep in my bones. I’d never wanted to be a dad. Never. It wasn’t in my life plan, and Tatum had told me it wasn’t in hers either, so there would be no kids for me. But this… this was everything. I pressed a kiss to her forehead and then pulled back to meet her gaze again. “I got the better end of the deal. I got you.”

Tears slid down her face, but she smiled up at me and gave me her trademark wit. “True. Your life would have no meaning without me.”

I grinned at her. “What time’s your mum coming over? I need to get Tatum’s ass moving and in that kitchen if it’s gonna be soon.”

“I thought you were cooking tonight,” Tatum called out.

I turned my grin towards her. “You wore me out this afternoon, Vegas. A man needs to recuperate before he can spend hours cooking.”

She rolled her eyes. “If Dustin can manage to make every single thing I love to eat for one meal, you can surely manage to cook a damn roast.”

I placed my hand over my heart. “You wound me, woman.”

A knock on the door interrupted us and I headed down the hallway to answer it. I was surprised to find Billy fucking Jones on the other side.