Chapter Twenty-One


Excitement bubbled through me at the fact I was finally getting to meet Kick’s friends. As we walked into the clubhouse, I let my gaze roam over it, taking it all in. I’d imagined something similar, but not exactly the same. The non-descript brick building didn’t scream biker to me, however the high fence surrounding the large building, and the obvious presence of security and a guy manning the front gate, did tell me something. The club took their security and protection seriously.

Once inside, I noted the dated paint on the walls, the worn carpet and the tired furniture. This clubhouse had seen better days, but I doubted the guys even saw it. The front door led down a long hall that was lined with framed photos of members. A quick glance told me some had passed, but mostly it appeared these photos were of current members. Once we were about halfway down the hallway, Kick turned left and walked through a wide doorway that led us into the bar area. And shit if I didn’t get a surprise in there. This room had been freshened up, and it seemed to me it had been done by a woman. It had a lick of new cream paint, the carpet had been pulled up, and the cement floor had been polished. The lighting in this room was also different, brighter. Not to mention the furniture. New wood tables and chairs were scattered throughout, and today they were all occupied as bikers laughed and drank. My eyes narrowed on the couches. They were the only things in the room that did not look new, and by the quick glance I took, they didn’t look like anything I would ever sit on.

Kick’s arm came around my shoulder and he pulled me close. “You okay? Are your ribs giving you grief?”

Always looking out for me.

It had been a few weeks since the car accident and while I was still in a great deal of pain, I’d assured Kick I was up for today. A barbeque with the boys . . . no way was I turning that invitation down.

“This must be Evie!” a voice boomed from behind me.

Turning, I found a tall, built guy coming towards us. His dark hair hung down to his shoulders, and although it was messy looking, and he had a scar running down the left side of his face, and even though the glint in his eyes seemed crazy, I had to admit, this man was hot. Scary hot. Scary as in crazy, fucked-up, but hot nevertheless.

“Evie, King,” Kick introduced us, and I gave King a huge smile. I didn’t care if he came across as scary, he was the man who helped save battered women from their abusive husbands, and he was the man who helped Kick take care of the asshole who tried to kill me.

“Hi,” I greeted him.

His eyes sparkled with mischief. “Fuck me, how the fuck did Kick score a woman as beautiful as you?”

“Fuck off,” Kick said, and I practically felt the possessive vibes circle me.

Shit, my man’s caveman side had kicked in.

And I kind of liked it.

King laughed, and Jesus, if that man was hot before, he was fucking sexy when he laughed and his eyes lit up.

Another guy entered the room and zeroed in on us. Shit, another good-looking dude. This one had short dark hair and a beard. His arms were covered in tattoos and his brown eyes held a sadness to them. He smiled at me, but it was like his mouth was pretending because

the smile sure as hell didn’t hit his eyes.

Kick introduced him, “Nitro, this is Evie.”

“Hi darlin’,” he said, his voice deep and husky.

Good Lord, he would make some woman very happy one day.

“Hi,” I said, watching as his gaze on me changed from looking at me to pretty much looking through me. His eyes turned vacant, and I wondered where he went. My arms wanted to circle him in a hug and make it all better for him, whatever it was.

He excused himself to go and get a drink, but almost as soon as he’d left us, another two guys wandered in and came straight to us.

Huh . . . turned out Kick’s friends were mostly all hot. Out of these two, I found one of them extremely attractive with his almost bald head, tattooed muscles and piercing blue eyes. It turned out his name was Devil, and I instantly liked him the minute Kick introduced us. The other guy scared the hell out of me. Sure, he was good looking, but I couldn’t get past the hard, cold eyes that tracked my every movement, or the indifference I heard in his voice. It was like there was no feeling there, and as far as I was concerned, people who felt nothing were the scariest of them all.

“Hyde,” he introduced himself.

“Evie,” I replied, giving him a small smile. Even if he scared the shit out of me, I could still be polite to him. He surprised me with a smile back.

“Do you want a drink?” Kick asked.

I shook my head. “No, I don’t want to chance it interfering with my painkillers.”

“Shit, I forgot about that. Good call, babe,” he said.

“You want a beer, Kick?” Devil asked.