He raised his brows. “Oh, am I allowed to talk to you now?”

I put my hand on my hip and glared at him. “Very funny, smartass.”

Chuckling, he stood and came to me. As he moved to pass me, he bent his face and whispered in my ear, “Look on your bedside table, sweetheart, I’m pretty sure that’s where you left it.” And then he kept moving to the sink to rinse his mug. And I was left with desire running through me.


I ignored my body and its needs and hurried into the bedroom to grab my phone. He’d been right, and I shoved it in my bag and headed back to the kitchen to say goodbye. He was leaning against the kitchen counter waiting for me, arms and legs crossed, eyes full of heat. I gave him a quick kiss and tried to keep walking, but his hand shot out and grabbed me around the waist, and he pulled me back to him.

His mouth brushed my neck with a kiss, and he spoke into my ear. “Have a good day, sweetheart. I think we need to discuss our future a bit more tonight. And then I think we really need to play with my toys.”

Oh god.

I turned in his embrace. “When you say we need to discuss our future, you’re not thinking of breaking up with me, are you?” I teased, knowing full well he had no plans for that. Not after last night.

“No. I’m thinking of getting us matching rings,” he said in the kind of tone that told me he wasn’t just thinking this, he was already planning it.

“You have the best thoughts, baby,” I said with a smile, and he gave me one back.

And then he smacked me on the ass and said, “Okay, go. But be at my place by five. I’ve got plans for you.”

“Yes, sir,” I promised, loving the wild look his eyes got at my promise.

Ten minutes later, I was stuck in rush hour traffic. I should have felt stressed about it, but all I could bring myself to do was think of Kick. We sat bumper to bumper for what felt like ages, until, suddenly, there was a break in traffic and we all began moving at normal speed again.

Thank goodness.

I changed gears rapidly as I began to finally gain speed. My thoughts shifted from Kick to work and back to Kick again. I couldn’t concentrate on anything but him for longer than a couple of minutes. This was going to be a long day.

And then it happened.

I never saw the car coming.

And I sure as hell never saw the truck coming.

I heard the screeches of tyres before I saw any of it.

All I saw after that were flashes of metal.

And then I saw darkness.

Chapter Eighteen



I pushed through the hospital doors, heart in my gut, and jogged the rest of the distance to the emergency room. It had been over half an hour since Loretta had phoned me to let me know Evie had been in a car accident.

Thirty fucking minutes too long.

My gut swirled with dread.

How fucking bad was this accident? Loretta hadn’t been able to tell me much over the phone, and my mind had conjured up the worst possibilities.

As I entered the emergency room, Loretta ro

se from her seat and came to me, a look of sheer panic on her face.