It was fucked up, though, that it had taken Jeremy’s death for me to admit that.


Darkness blanketed the clubhouse when I arrived back there at midnight to meet up with King. It was one of the club member’s birthdays, so most of the boys were out celebrating with him.

King stood leaning against his bike waiting for me, a grin stretched across his face. I pulled up next to him and waited for his instructions.

“Did you and Hyde get that job done this afternoon?” he asked.

“Yeah, the debt was settled. And it was clean.” We’d collected off one of our junkie customers who hadn’t paid in over a month. Surprisingly, no blood had been shed.

He nodded. “Good. Now, you ready for some fun?” he asked, a dangerous tone to his voice. I knew what ‘fun’ meant to King.

With a nod of my head, I said, “You lead the way.”

No other words were exchanged and his bike roared to life.

Our destination was fairly close, only about a fifteen-minute ride. When we pulled up outside the run down house with two bikes outside, my gut seized with a mixture of anticipation and concern. King was known for pulling some crazy shit in his time, but to fuck with fellow bikers was a little past crazy.

“What’s going on, King?” I asked as I walked towards him.

“One of these fuckers stole off my sister. Payback’s gonna be a bitch.”

I narrowed my eyes. “And?”

“And what?”

“I’m sensing there’s some other shit going on here. Don’t fuck with me, brother, tell me the full story so I know what the fuck I’m walking into.”

He lit a smoke and took a long drag. When his gaze hit mine, the grin from earlier was gone from his eyes and a hard look had replaced it. “You’ve got a sister, right?” He waited for my nod and once I gave it, he continued. “My sister is a lot younger than me, twenty-three, and one of these cunts was dating her and thought he’d share her around with his mates at a party when she was drunk. Lucky for her, a friend of mine was there and stepped in. The cunt fucked off and she didn’t hear from him again until three days later when he showed up at her house and beat her up and stole the money she’d been saving.”

“Fuck,” I muttered, understanding his reason for being here now. I’d be here, too, if it was my sister.

“Yeah, fuck. Skylar didn’t fucking tell me she was dating him because if she had, I would have put a fucking stop to it. The fucker is a Silver Hell member. I only found all this shit out when my friend called me to ask how she was.”


If what I figured was about to go down did actually go down, we were about to declare war with the Silver Hell MC.

King finished his smoke and stubbed it out. Slapping me on the back, he asked, “You with me, brother?”

I never hesitated when it came to my President. “Yeah, I’ve always got your back.”

His eyes lit with that dangerous gleam again. “Let’s go party then.”

He strode to the front door and banged it hard with the palm of his hand and yelled out, “Open up, motherfucker!”

We waited for less than a minute before the door was yanked open. A pissed-off Silver Hell member glared at us, but only for a second, because King stepped inside the house and sucker punched him. The guy dropped to the ground, knocked out cold, and King stepped over his body to walk down the hallway.

I entered the house and the stench of cigarette smoke, booze and sex hit me. Fuck, I hoped the women had left already. King was unpredictable, yes, but my guess was he wouldn’t leave any witnesses alive to tell the tale.

The hallway led into a filthy kitchen full of dirty dishes and rubbish strewn across the counters. It was empty so we continued into the living room. Still empty in there, but a bloodcurdling scream from an adjoining room alerted us where to go next. King picked up the pace and kicked the door in without even attempting to open it. Jacked up on adrenaline and a desire for revenge, nothing would stop him now.

“What the fuck is going on here?” King thundered as he came to a halt the minute he entered the room.

I followed him in and stopped, too, sickened at the sight in front of us. A Silver Hell’s biker had a naked girl strapped to the bed, spreadeagled. He sat atop her but I could see her face, and she didn’t look to be any older than about sixteen. And it wasn’t consent written across her stricken face.

“Fuck,” I muttered. I’d seen a lot of shit in my life, but this type took the fucking cake. The fact the guy was still fully clothed gave me hope that he hadn’t done too much to her yet. Regardless, this shit was fucked up.