She froze and stared at me in silence for a beat. Then her breathing picked up as the words fell out of her mouth. “Why now, Kick? Why couldn’t you have just come back for the funeral and left me alone?”

The desperate plea in her voice did not go unheard. It was the same fucking question I was asking myself even as I was asking her to let me in.

Why the fuck now?

I didn’t answer her, and she demanded again, “Why?”

The anger in her tone fired me up. “You weren’t the only one disappointed we ended things three years ago. Did you ever

stop to think about that?” I threw my words at her, instantly regretting the harshness of them and wishing like fuck I could scrub them away and start again.

“No, because you were the one who ended it!”

And there was the passion that had been missing before. I fucking loved her passion so even though she was mad at me now, I was on cloud-fucking-nine.

She still loves me.

I couldn’t hide it, I grinned. And that pissed her off even more. Story of my fucking life.

“What the fuck, Kick?” she snapped. We were still in each other’s faces and that fact didn’t elude me. She hadn’t moved away from me.

We can still make this work.

“I didn’t end it, baby. You ended it. Did you forget that?” I said softly.

Confusion flashed across her face and she frowned. I knew her so well it was like I could see her brain flicking through the memories. “I remember we fought and you said you didn’t want me in your world.”

“Yeah, and then you said you were done and we were done. You ended it.”

“No! You did. You didn’t want me!”

Fuck, I’d missed this. Evie arguing with me turned me way the fuck on. Any other woman yelling at me like this would piss me right off, but not Evie. “I didn’t want to bring you into my world. You knew that.”

“Jesus, I was already in your world. I fucking grew up in your world.”

I shook my head. “You know that’s not the world I’m talking about - ”

She cut me off. “I don’t even know why we’re arguing over this! It’s in the past, and it’s done.” Her wild eyes stared at me and her shoulders tensed up. Hell, her whole body was tense, and that made my day.

Evie wasn’t done with this.

If she were, she wouldn’t be lashing out like this.

I raised my brows. “You sure about that?”

She hesitated, and although she tried to act like she hadn’t, I caught it. “Yes,” she said with determination, but I knew it was more to convince herself than me. Half the time, I knew Evie’s next thought and move before her. After being the one she’d confided all her fears, worries and happiness in while growing up, I fucking knew how her mind worked.

Again, I shook my head. “No, you’re not, and I’m going to show you just how fuckin’ unsure of it you really are.”

Her eyes widened and she finally moved away from me. I’d expected her to put distance between us from the beginning of the conversation. The fact she hadn’t was just another sign she wasn’t done with this. When she spoke, it was like all the passion of a minute ago had been drained from her. Exhaustion had stepped back in. “Just leave it, Kick. We tried twice and we couldn’t make it work. And we’ve both changed. We’re not those kids who loved each other anymore.”

She didn’t give me time to say anything else before turning and walking away from me. My mouth opened to call out to her again but I quickly snapped it shut. I’d catch up with her later. I had no intention of letting her walk away from me permanently again, and perhaps I needed to take this slowly. Fuck, I wasn’t known for slow, but for Evie I would do anything.

And she was wrong.

We’d always be those kids who loved each other.

Underneath all the shit that was me today, I still loved her.