He shrugged. “You’ll have to find someone else to convince King then, babe, ‘cause no play means no help from me. Besides, I don’t think any of us could give a fuck about paint and furniture and shit like that.”

Brittany cast an unconvinced gaze around the room. “So you don’t care about the ugly cream paint that is peeling in some parts, or the out-dated wood tables and chairs, or the fact the couches in here obviously have seen better days and too much cum? I hate sitting on those couches because I know that nearly all of you boys have each fucked more than a handful of bitches on them and spread your germs everywhere. And what about the plants that are dying in here because whoever picked them chose the wrong plants for inside and no one ever waters them besides me? Oh, and your Storm logo on the wall behind the bar needs to be redone because it’s all worn and shit.”

I raised my brows at her. “I see you’ve put a lot of thought into this, but, personally, I couldn’t give a shit and I doubt King does, either.”

“Give a shit about what?” King’s voice sounded behind me.

I jerked my chin at Brittany. “She wants to redecorate. Says it’s old and ugly in here. And she hates the cum on the couches.”

King laughed. “You want new couches, sweetheart? You and I could christen them.”

She rolled her eyes. “Okay, I get it. You d

on’t care what your clubhouse looks like.”

King stopped laughing and narrowed his eyes on her. “Tell you what. You figure out a cost for me and I’ll think about it, but I want something from you in return.”

Fear flickered in her eyes, and she didn’t respond. No one ever wanted to owe King anything, especially not a female. I’d heard the stories about what he demanded from women and I didn’t blame her for her hesitation.

“Well?” he barked, waiting for her answer.

“I think it’ll cost too much,” she said, her voice holding no trace of her previous confidence.

He gave her a long, hard look before finally nodding. “Yeah, I thought it might,” he said darkly.

I watched her walk away from us and head towards the other end of the bar. It was fairly clear she couldn’t get there fast enough.

Nitro stood. “Gotta hit the head. I’ll catch you later.”

After he’d left, King asked, “You heard anything around the traps about Silver Hell?”

Had I heard whether they knew it was Storm who’d killed two of their guys?

“Haven’t heard a thing.”

“Yeah, me either. We need to try and find out more. You able to do that?”

I nodded. “I’ve got some contacts. I’ll follow it up for you.”

He slapped me on the back. “Good.” His gaze shifted from me to track Brittany’s moves and he leant on the bar in what seemed like an effort to get a better view. Once he’d had his fill, he looked back at me. “I’ve got a job for you today. Need you to collect some of our hard-earned cash.”

“Who from?”

His gaze had shifted back to Brittany for a moment, but his eyes came straight back to me. “Our coke-loving friend who never fucking wants to pay up. Sort him the fuck out, Kick, ‘cause I’m sick of his fucking shit. In fact, if I never have to deal with him again, I would be a very happy man.”

King speak –Take him out or ensure he never comes knocking on our door again.

I stood and watched as he continued to track Brittany’s moves. That bitch had zero chance of avoiding him now. She’d well and truly caught his attention today. “Consider it done,” I said.

He glanced at me. “Good.” That was King’s signature word to convey his pleasure at his directions being carried out. You never got much more than that from him.

I left him to it, figuring Brittany now had less than fifteen minutes before her shift at the bar ended.

I also figured we’d be getting new paint in here soon.


I cut the engine of my bike and assessed the street. I’d never come to Bruno’s house to collect before. Usually, I visited the bar he frequented, but I’d gone there earlier and hadn’t found him so figured I’d give his home a shot. Bruno lived on a quiet street which was a good thing for me, and even more so today because there was no one around. Not that I really gave a fuck but it did make things easier when there were less witnesses to take care of.