“Some presidents would argue that.”

His lips flatten and he walks closer to me. “You’re not smarter than me.”

“Never said I was. King, on the other hand, probably thinks he is. Oh, and he said to say hi. Mentioned something about dancing with you in hell.”

Hatred glitters in his eyes as he presses his gun to my head. Yes, asshole, now we’re playing. Keep it there. Just like that. “Hell is not for men like me. King will find that out soon enough.”

Fucking. Deranged.

“Winter.” Zane again. “Fucking kill him. You’re out of time.”

Yeah, I’m fucking trying, Zane.

Bourne opens his mouth to speak again at the exact moment I move into action. Before he sees it coming, I swap my gun to my left hand so I can use my right one to swing up and knock his gun out of place, away from my temple. As it crashes to the ground, I lift my foot and kick him hard in the groin. He stumbles back, crying out in pain, and I step forward and point my gun at him.

“I wish we had more time together, because I’d take great fucking pleas

ure in making you wish you’d never fucked with me, but we don’t. And one last tip: when you do get to hell, make sure you find your brother and let him know to run like fuck. King and I will be down there soon enough looking for the both of you, and when we find you, it ain’t gonna be fun fucking times for either of you.”

I pull the trigger.

Watching him die is un-fucking-satisfactory, but knowing his gang won’t exist after tonight is, so I take it.

Hunt and the team explode into the garage, coming to a stop when they eye Bourne on the ground.

“Fuck,” Hunt says, “Zane is losing his shit. We need to get out of here.”

I speak into my headset microphone. “He’s dead, Zane. We’re coming in now.”

“Fuck,” is all I get back, and I grin as I follow the team back to the van. Fuck, I miss our army days. Riling Zane up never gets old.

We make the drive back to Zane’s compound. The roller door opens for us and we circle down to the underground car park. When I enter the surveillance room, I catch Zane’s eye. He shakes his head at me as I make my way to him.

“Is the second team in place?” I ask.

He straightens and folds his arms. “Yeah, no fucking thanks to you. What the fuck happened out there? Every other team managed to get in and get out fast. Even King, who, to be honest, I thought would be my problem child.”

“He had the upper hand. I had to wait for the right moment. Trust me, I wanted to take my time with him, but I didn’t. I only waited as long as I had to.”

Axe cuts in on our conversation. “You guys ready? It’s about to go down.”

Everyone in the room turns to watch the big screens on the wall. Zane has an entire wall filled with them. Ten to be exact. Tonight, we only need five to watch everything unfold.

The second part of the plan involved a second team in each location who went in and planted bombs throughout each building. These were Zane’s guys, all ex-military, all highly trained for this exact task. What we’re about to watch is every fucking location blow the fuck up.

My phone rings.


“I gave Bourne your message,” I say.

Mass explosions flash across the screens on the wall as King says, “Thank fuck this is over.”

I hear his exhaustion; I feel it, too.

This battle has raged on for long enough.

“Yeah, brother. I couldn’t agree more. We’ve got one more ahead of us, though.”