“That’s so good to hear. I’m happy for you guys.”

“Well, it’s early days yet. We’ve got a lot to work through.” And it’s going to be hard.

The line goes silent for a moment before Cleo says

, “Shit, I’ve gotta go, babe. I can hear a client going off in reception.”

“Go take care of it. I’ll talk to you later.”

I shove my phone in my bag and enter the clubhouse. It’s just after 4:00 p.m. and quieter than usual here.

“Hey, Birdie,” Memphis says with one of his flirty grins as I walk past the bar. He’s the biggest player I know, and cocky as hell, but I love him like a brother. I think if I were to mesh my two brothers together, I’d probably get a guy like Memphis; maybe that’s why I love him so much.

I make my way to him. “Hey, Memphis. You know where Winter is?”

He lifts his chin towards the hallway. “Check his office. He was with King last I saw him.” He pauses, his features turning serious. “You good?”

Winter and I didn’t tell anyone we were pregnant, but they all knew from the very first IVF cycle that we were trying. And while we stopped talking about trying to have a baby after a while, Memphis has a sensitive side unlike anyone else here, and seemed to always know when I was up and when I was down. He’s checked in on me a lot over the years; probably another reason why I really like him.

“I think I’m like seventy percent good,” I say, giving him complete honesty.

His brows pull together. “That’s not a high rate of happiness, babe.”

“No, but I’m working on it. How are you?”

“I’m ninety percent good. If I could find a woman to tackle that last ten percent, I’d be a happy fucking man.”

Goodness, it’s been too long since I’ve spent any decent time here. I’ve forgotten how much these guys lift me up. “Maybe I’ll help you with that.”

He grins. “If your friends are like you, send them my way.”

I smile and squeeze his forearm. “You know how to make a girl feel good about herself. Thank you.”

“Anytime. We need to move you up from a seventy to a hundred. You help keep this place running and we need you happy.”

I think about what he said as I head down the hallway. He’s only half right; I used to help keep this place running. I still help out, but not like I did. And I realise I miss it.

I’m almost at Winter’s office when Maddox, the boy I met here the other day, runs into me as he exits one of the rooms. He’s moving so fast that we hit each other pretty hard.

“Fuck,” he says. “Maybe watch where you’re going next time.”

This kid has some serious attitude, but there’s something about him I’m drawn to. I don’t know what it is, but it’s like I can’t look away from him.

But that attitude needs to go. “I was watching,” I say, my tone making it clear I’m not about to argue that point.

“Yeah, well the bruise you probably just gave me would say otherwise.”

“Maddox,” Winter says, joining us, his eyes boring into Maddox. “Where’s Eloise?”

Maddox holds Winter’s gaze, unaffected by the hardness in my husband’s voice. “Fucked if I know.”

Winter’s nostrils flare. “Well go find her. I need to speak with her.”

“For all I care, she could have fucked off and gone home—”

Winter leans in close to him and practically breathes fire when he says, “Go and find her, and stop giving me your goddam attitude.”

With one last scowl, Maddox turns and walks away from us. He doesn’t move fast and I can tell that pisses Winter off just a much as the way Maddox spoke to him.