“So that’s a yes,” Moses says. “And my mother? What was she like?”

“I barely knew her,” King says. “She hung out with the guys. Liked bikes and a good time.”

“Great, so you’re as helpful as my aunt’s always fucking been. No one wants to tell me a thing about my parents.”

“How about King gives you their names?” Birdie suggests. “Then you’ll at least have them to go by if you want to search for more information.”

King’s gaze cuts to her briefly before he looks back at Moses. “Come with me; I’ll give you everything I know.”

Moses eyes Birdie as he takes a step to follow King into the clubhouse bar. “Sorry I was rude to you.”

Birdie gives him a smile. It might be the first smile I’ve seen on her in weeks. “All good. Sorry, what’s your name?”


With that, he’s gone. Birdie watches him until he disappears from sight and then glances back at me. “Hey.”

I run my eyes over her body, taking in the long flowy dress and make-up she’s wearing. Birdie usually lives in workout gear and doesn’t often wear this much make-up. She’s beautiful either way, but what I like about her today is the way she’s looking at me. It’s how she used to look at me before everything went to shit for us. “It’s been a long time since you just dropped in here, angel.” She comes by to help keep the clubhouse running, but I always know when she’s coming. This visit is a surprise. A welcome fucking one.

Her features soften and it’s like her eyes reach deep inside me. Like she’s trying to reach deeper inside me. “Yeah. Too long.”

My eyes roam her body again. “You got dressed up for me?”

Her lips pull up at the ends and her smile hits me in the dick. “Well, I could pretend I did, but really it was a work thing.”

I step closer to her and slide my arm around her waist before brushing my lips across hers. “I’m down with this happening every day.” Jesus I’m hard for her. We don’t have sex anywhere near often enough as far as I’m concerned.

She hooks her fingers into my jeans as she presses herself to me. “I could make that a thing.”

“Fucking hell,” I rasp, needing to be inside her.

A text comes through on Birdie’s phone, cutting in on where I want to take this.

“Shit,” she says as regret flashes in her eyes. “I need to check that in case it’s the woman I just met with.

I jerk my chin at her. “Check it. I’m not going anywhere.”

She quickly pulls her phone out and reads the text. “I have to go.” Slowing herself down, she adds, “I’m sorry. I was hoping we could maybe do something tonight if you were free, but now I have to take care of this.”

I curl my fingers around her arm as she grabs her car keys out of her bag. “How long do you think it’ll take?”

“A few hours maybe.”

“That’ll still give us time to do something tonight. We could go out for a late dinner.”

She bites her lip. “I don’t know. I don’t wanna tell you yes and then have to cancel if it takes longer.”

“Baby, I’m just happy you’re thinking about it. You go do what you have to do and I’ll be home by eight. If you’re good, we’ll go out. If you’re not, I’ll wait for you. Either way, I’m fucking you tonight.”

Heat flares in her eyes at that. Standing on her toes, she kisses me and says, “It’s a date.”

I watch her turn her ass around and walk out of the clubhouse. I don’t take my eyes off her. Thank fuck for Cleo; my guess is she talked some sense into Birdie when I couldn’t. And while I wish like fuck I could get through to her, I’ll take any help I can get at the moment.

“You’ve got an issue you might wanna check out,” Axe says when he calls me just after 7:30 p.m.

“What kind of issue?”

“We picked up some chatter about the kid who lives at that address you have for Eloise Carter. It looks like Zenith have zeroed in on him after seeing him at the clubhouse today.”