I blow out a long, frustrated breath. “How was Birdie last night?”

“Not good, Matt. She locked herself away in the bedroom and didn’t come out.” He pauses. “I don’t want to step where I shouldn’t step, but she did tell me she doesn’t feel like you listen to her anymore.”


“She thinks you switch off when she’s trying to talk to you about stuff that’s important to her.”

King appears in the office doorway as I try to process what Max is saying. I wasn’t expecting King and am thrown by his appearance. Ending this conversation with my brother isn’t something I want to do because I feel he has useful insights and a perspective I could benefit from hearing, but I’m going to have to. “You wanna come meet me at the clubhouse in a few hours? I think I need your help with this.” I don’t fucking think it; I know it. My marriage is fraying and I need my brother’s help fixing it.

“Yeah, I’ll be there.”


We end the call and I stand to meet King. “King.” It would seem he and I are about to butt heads again if the ferocious look on his face is anything to go by.

“I’ve got a meeting scheduled with Torres this afternoon. I want you there for it.”

“Fuck. That was fast.”

He ignores that and demands, “I take it that’s a yes?”

“I take it you’re planning on pushing this negotiation through?”

His eyes glitter with the hard glint I know so well. “The ball is rolling, Winter. Are you with me or not?”

“I’m against you pushing Torres. Let me do it. He’ll play ball with me.”

“I’m not fucking arguing with you over this again,” he snaps.

“Christ, you’re fucking infuriating sometimes, King. Would it fucking kill you to listen every now and then? I’ve worked with Torres for seven years; I know him far better than you, and I’m telling you he’s going to walk. We’re going to lose his coke and all the money that goes along with it. Are you willing to risk that?”

His nostrils flare as he takes that in. He was already worked up when he got here; I’ve pissed him off even more. Not something King’s used to from me. He and I have a good working relationship and a lot of respect between us, but this is worth fighting for. I just hope he fucking sees that before it’s too late.

“I’ll take that under advisement,” he finally says before stalking out of the office.

Fuck, this day is going to shit very fucking fast.

I get through church, during which I advise everyone of the Silver Hell development and the need for them to keep a close eye on themselves and everyone else at all times. After church, I let Striker know I’ve organised for him to head to Adelaide tomorrow. I then tell him to pack his shit up and leave the clubhouse. I want him gone now. It surprises the hell out of me how angry I am with him; I don’t tend to hold onto anger in this way, but he’s drawn it out of me.

King hasn’t come back to me about our meeting with Torres, and after trying unsuccessfully to call him, I head out to the bar area to see if anyone knows where he went. I’m halfway down the hallway when the sound of gunshots comes from out the front of the clubhouse.

Fucking hell.

I pick up my pace and bolt outside to see what’s happening.

The first thing I see is Striker crouched down at the front gate.

The second thing I see is the body on the ground in front of him.

The third thing I see shoots fear like I’ve never known through my body.


I race to where my brother lies, riddled with bullets.

“Max!” His name tears from me, ripping my heart out with it.

I shake him.