“What the fuck for?”

“For the way he treated my member’s sister.” He straightens his shoulders. “No one fucks with our family and gets away with it. You know how it works.”

“I do know how it works, and I feel the same way. No one threatens my fucking club and gets away with it.” I get my bearings, readying for a fight. I should have brought men with me for this, but my head wasn’t fully in the game thanks to being focussed on my problems with Birdie.

Bull appraises me for a long while. “It seems we have a problem then.”

I step closer to him. “As far as I’m concerned, I fixed the fucking problem last night. Your girl got what she needs. However, if you continue down this path of making threats against my club, then yeah, we do have a problem. I’d tread carefully if I were you, Bull. Storm isn’t a club you wanna make an enemy of.”

If he stops to think about this, he’ll know I’ve spoken the truth. Storm has more allies in Melbourne than he does. We also have the backing of King and his entire east coast network. Silver Hell won’t survive going up against Storm.

When he doesn’t respond to that, I take a step back and say, “I take it we have an understanding?”

His lips form a thin line. “Get the fuck out of my clubhouse.”

I do as he says and don’t look back. Every step I take, I do with the expectation it might be my last. I wouldn’t put it past one of these assholes to pull a gun on me. However, they don’t and I make it out alive.

When I arrive at my clubhouse, I locate Ransom. With every furious breath inside me, I demand, “You seen Striker today?” It’s only just past 8

:00 a.m. so I don’t expect him to be in yet.

Ransom surprises me when he says, “Yeah, he’s out in the garage.”

I stalk out to the garage where Striker and Memphis are working on their bikes. Barely containing my rage, I bark, “Striker, I want you out of here and I don’t wanna fucking see you for at least a month.”

Striker stares at me like I’ve lost my mind. “Where the fuck do you want me to go?”

I cover the distance between us in two strides and take to him with my fists. I pummel the fuck out of him until Memphis pulls me off him. Fighting Memphis off, I roar, “Let go of me!”

“Fuck, Pres,” Memphis says as he follows my order. “You’re gonna fucking kill him if you keep going.”

My wild eyes land on Memphis. “This is between me and Striker. Either shut the hell up or leave.”

Shock fills his features; I’ve never spoken to him in this way. He holds his hands up defensively and nods as he steps back.

Directing my attention back to Striker who lies at my feet bloodied, I say, “You’ll go to Adelaide. They need help with some shit at the moment.” The Adelaide president rang me last week looking for any assistance I could give; turns out I have something to offer.

With that, I exit the garage and head to my office.

“Fuck,” I mutter as I sit at the desk. “Fucking hell.”

“You look like shit,” Ransom says, entering the office and closing the door after him. “What the fuck’s going on?”

I jab my finger in the direction of the garage. “If he fucks anything up again, he’s fucking out. I’m done giving him second fucking chances. I had to make a threat I wish to fuck I’d never had to make this morning because of him.”

“What kind of threat?”

“The kind that will start a war if I have to make good on it. Let’s just say we’re on high fucking alert at the moment. If you see a Silver Hell member, watch your back. We need to organise church for this morning; everyone needs to be aware of this.”

“I’ll make it happen.”

After he leaves, I pull my phone out and call Max. We had plans to hang out this morning that I now need to cancel on.

“Hey,” he answers.

“I have to cancel on you this morning, brother. Shit’s come up that I can’t put off.”

“No worries. I’ll find stuff to do. You okay?”