He makes my world better just by being in it.

He lifts me up when the only way I can see is down.

He has my back at all times, no questions asked.

After everything we’ve been through and everything I’ve not been able to give him, he still chooses me.

I’ll find it within myself to give him what he needs.



* * *

Birdie: We need to change the chemicals we use in the garden.

Me: Why?

Birdie: They contain endocrine disrupting chemicals.

* * *

Jesus, I thought we were done with clearing the chemicals from our house and the clubhouse that she found to be harmful to fertility. The last rampage she went on caused a huge fight; I don’t want a repeat of that.

* * *

Birdie: I’ll make a list. We can do this on the weekend after we go to IKEA.

Me: Ok.

Birdie: What time will you and Max be home tonight? I wanna have dinner ready.

Me: His flight gets in at 3:30pm.

Birdie: Love you. Have a good day, baby xx

* * *

“We’ve got a problem with Striker. One that may cause us some grief with Silver Hell.” Ransom says, drawing my attention back to what we’re doing: waiting for Javier to show with our coke. We arrived ten minutes early, so he should be here any minute.

“What kind of problem?” Striker is the only club member to repeatedly give me headaches. Fuck knows what he’s done now.

“He fucked the sister of one of their members.”

“Fuck. I wish to Christ he’d learn to keep his dick in his pants.”

“You and me both. The only reason I know about this is because their VP pulled me aside last night when I was out, and let me know they’re not happy about it.”

“I’ll talk to Striker and make him fix this.”

Javier’s truck pulls into the old warehouse we use to receive our deliveries. His Bentley pulls in after, and a minute later, he exits it and walks our way. Removing his dark glasses, he says, “Winter. Ransom.”

His guys jump out of the truck and we inspect the coke. Once we’re finished, Javier pulls me aside. “King called me today.” His eyes darken with distaste. “He wants to negotiate a new price.”

Fuck, King could have given me a fucking head’s up on this. “You have a problem with this?”

“I have a problem with King. I thought you and I had an agreement that I’d only ever deal with you.”