“Winter?” she says, moving into me. “Tell me.”

I put my arm around her to hold her close. “We made it, baby, and we’re gonna keep making it.”

She smiles up at me. “Yes, we are.”

Part II

Seven Years Later



* * *

I eye my wife as she makes her way around the club gathering, talking with everyone. Laughing and joking. Sparkly. Almost a 180 from how she was at home before the barbecue. Certainly not like how she was with me this morning.

I suck back some beer and wonder how long this good mood will last. Since we started our latest round of IVF nearly three months ago, she’s been up and down worse than usual during an IVF cycle. The fact she fell pregnant this time has contributed greatly to that because the two times she’s fallen pregnant didn’t end well. I know she’s co-existing with a great deal of fear, which isn’t helping the cause.

“Birdie looks happy,” Ransom says, joining me.

He doesn’t know she’s pregnant; no one does except her mother, Cleo, Lily, and Max. After being very open about the fact we were doing IVF in the beginning, we aren’t anymore. Not after the first time we miscarried and then had to tell everyone. These days we just go about it quietly, keeping the grief each time to ourselves. It’s easier for Birdie that way.

“Yeah,” I agree. He’s right; she’s glowing with happiness. She’s just hit the one-month mark of this pregnancy and each day she glows a little more.

Birdie catches my eye and waves me over. “Claudette needs help with something at her place, so I’m gonna go with her. Can you pick me up later when I call?”

Claudette is Buzz’s old lady, and this is another one of Birdie’s rescue missions. Over the last two years, she’s thrown herself into taking care of the old ladies. Not to mention, she does everything she can to take care of my guys, too. She keeps the clubhouse clean and the kitchen well stocked with food and drinks for everyone. She helps any of the families when they’re struggling for something, whether that’s food, cash, or other resources. I love her for all of this, but I’m concerned she needs to take shit easy now she’s pregnant.

I nod and pull her in for a kiss. “Don’t be all day, angel. I want you at home resting for some of it. You’ve been on your feet for hours.”

“Yes, boss,” she says with a smile.

“I’m deadly serious.”

“I know.” She kisses me again. “I love you.”

I watch her leave and then head into my office. I’ve got a call I need to make.

Javier answers on the second ring. “Winter.”

Seven years of dealing with him and we’ve built a good level of trust. I don’t hear the ice in his voice anymore. “I need to reschedule the time for tomorrow.”

“What time works for you?”

“Any time before three.”

“I’ll see you at two. And I heard King’s in town; don’t bring him.” He knows I’d never do that. King is his least favourite person to deal with; the only reason the cartel still works with Storm is because I handle all our dealings with them.

I end the call and place my phone on the desk while stretching my neck. It’s been a busy couple of weeks taking care of some issues we’ve had with customers. Nothing we’re not used to dealing with, but it’s taken me away from home for days at a time, and that always keeps me awake at night. Especially if I’m away while Birdie and I are in the middle of a cycle.

“You got a minute?” King asks, appearing in the doorway.

“What’s up?” He arrived earlier today and I know there’s something on his mind he wants to discuss.

He enters the office. “I need to cancel the trip we had planned for next week.”

We’d planned to visit some customers up the coast to negotiate new terms. It suits me to put it off. “No problem. When are you thinking to move it to?”