He follows me inside the house. When we reach the kitchen, I place my bag on the counter and say, “Do you want some lunch before you head into the clubhouse?”

“No, I’ll grab something later.”

“We’ve got leftovers from dinner. I’ll pack it up for you to take.” IVF is expensive and we’re on a tight budget, so I like to make Winter lunch each day.

“I can do it, angel. You go and—”

“It won’t take me long.”

“Birdie,” he starts, his tone turning forceful. I know where he’s going with this and I don’t want it, so I cut him off again.

“Winter, let me care for you as much as you’re caring for me. Please.”

He stares at me quietly for a beat. Then, nodding, he says, “I’ve gotta make a few calls and then I’ll be leaving.”

I walk to him and slip my arms around his waist. “Thank you.” I know how hard it is for Winter not to assume total command and to accept help, so I know what it means when he relents and lets me care for him.

He cups the back of my head and kisses me. “I’ll be home early tonight.”

That’s his way of saying “clear your schedule for me,” and I love every one of those words. “I’ll be here.”

“Good,” he says before letting me go and exiting the kitchen.

I exhale more of the breath I’m still full of.

You’ve just gotta keep showing up.

You can do this.

I straighten my shoulders.

I can and I will do this.



* * *

“What time do you wanna leave for Ballarat tomorrow?” Ransom asks as I’m leaving to go home to Birdie. It’s been a long afternoon going over the club shit we’re dealing with, and all I wanna do is get home to my woman and shut the world out for the night.

“I’ll be here around eight in the morning. That work for you?” Ransom is a single dad, and I know some mornings aren’t good for early starts because he’s gotta drop his daughter at school.

“Yeah, sounds good.” He pauses for a moment before asking, “How’s Birdie?”

I keep very few secrets from my men, and while I don’t sit around discussing shit all day long, I’ve kept them in the loop on the fact Birdie and I are doing IVF because it’s going to impact on my work time. Because Ransom and I are close after serving together in the military, I give him the extended version of the answer to his question. “She’s anxious. Today’s fear is that her eggs won’t be any good.” Ransom’s sister has been through IVF, so he’s spent some time talking to me about the process and will understand Birdie’s fear.

“Janine went through that. Trust me, she’ll have something new to worry about soon enough.”

My phone rings and I see it’s King. “I gotta take this,” I say to Ransom. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

Stepping outside, I answer the call. “King.”

“You free at the end of the week? I’m setting up a meeting with Torres and I want you there.”

Javier Torres works for the Estrada Cartel, who King is negotiating with to supply Storm with coke. “Yeah. What day?”

He gives me the details and then says, “Come prepared, brother.”