I do need luck.

I need all of it and I need it today.

We’re going in for another ultrasound and blood test, and I’m ready for results that tell the doctor it’s time for the trigger shot. The last shot to prepare the eggs for collection. I’ve had four weeks of daily injections, near-daily blood tests, and so many ultrasounds I can’t keep count anymore. I’ve had headaches, cramps, bloating, mood swings, sore boobs, food cravings, weight gain, and pain. I’m way past ready to get these eggs out of me and get them fertilised. And yeah, if I’m honest, I’m ready for Winter to go in and contribute to this baby. Let him get his dick out and jerk off.

God, I’m a bitch.

It’s not like he hasn’t been by my side every step of the way, but in my darkest, most awful moments, I can’t help but feel like I’m the one who’s had to do everything and put up with all the side effects. My body feels like it’s been pushed and prodded all over the damn place. And we’re not even at the finish line yet. I just want a day off, but since that’s not going to happen, I’ve allowed myself to dwell in the shit of it all and take it out on Winter this morning.

I want to turn around and say sorry for being a bitch, but I can’t bring myself to do that. Not yet. I’m more compelled to feel sorry for myself for a bit longer than I am to apologise and get on with what I’ve got to do.

“I found it!” I wrap it around my neck and face him. “I’m ready now, master.”

More of those arched brows. Then, a shake of his head and—“Fuck, you’ll be the death of me.”

“Well, you’ve been marching around the house all morning issuing orders like a master. It’s fitting.”

“And you’ve been taking your sweet time getting ready. One of us needs to keep an eye on the clock.”

“One of these days, I’m gonna get myself a new husband who doesn’t know what a clock is.”

His nostrils flare. “Yeah, you go ahead and try that, baby. See how fucking far you get. If you think I’m ever allowing that, you’re fucking delusional.”

And just like that, my annoyance with him disappears. Winter’s possessiveness is always a turn on for me, even when sex is the last thing on my mind. We haven’t had sex for weeks thanks to the fertility drugs, and I don’t want it now, but what he’s just said reminds me how much I want him. And how much I love him.

Gripping his arm, I say, “I hate these drugs.”

“You and me both.”

“I’m sorry I’ve been a bitch this morning.”

Winter’s phone rings and he checks the caller ID. Holding it up, he shows me it’s Max. “You take this while walking that ass of yours to the car. I’ll grab your work stuff.”

Swiping the phone from him, I kiss him quickly before saying, “Yes, master.”

He smacks my ass as I move past him and answer the call. “Hey, Maxxi. How are you?”

“I’m good. Just calling to see how you two are. You killed my brother yet?”

“I’m close to it, but he’s still breathing and he’s still got his dick attached. Maybe check in again tonight and see if I’m a widow then.”

“Are you on your wa

y to the clinic? Winter said you’re hopeful you might get some good news today.”

I enter the garage and get in Winter’s ute. This has become our morning routine: he drives me to the clinic for our tests when we need them and then to work. Thank God I work for myself; it’d be hard to keep up with all the clinic visits while working for someone else. I can’t imagine many bosses would happily accept me being late most days. “Yes, we’re leaving now.” Winter’s door opens and he joins me. “I’ll put you on speaker so you can talk to Winter, too.”

After I switch the call to speaker, Winter extends his arm across the back of my seat, cranes his neck to look behind the car while reversing, and says, “Birdie’s in a mood today. Maybe you can snap her out of it.”

While I pull a face at my husband, Max says, “I thought she was in a mood every day.”

Winter’s grin causes me to smack him. “You two need to stop ganging up on me.”

“I’ve got something to tell you, Birdie. It might help shift your mood,” Max says.

“Ooh, tell me before I go for your brother’s balls,” I say.

Max whistles. “Fuck, you mean business today. Right, so I’ve been on a few more dates with that woman.”