“Yeah, I understand,” he grits out.

I take a step back. “Good. Keep it that way.”

With that, I turn and stalk out of the house.


I need to get home to Birdie and not only because she’s waiting for me, but also because when I’m wound up like this, she’s the one person who can help untangle my knots.



* * *

I stare at the phone as I place it on the coffee table in front of me. Is she fucking kidding? I can barely contain the rage the phone call I’ve just had with a staff member has brought out in me. Snatching the phone back up, I call Cleo, who answers on the first ring.

“Hey, babe, how are you today?” she says.

Gripping the phone hard, I say, “Not fucking good.”

“Oh God, what’s happened?”

“Juanita just called and advised me she’s taking next week off work because she wants to fly to Tasmania to help her sister get ready for her wedding. Apparently her sister hurt her ankle and is struggling to get things done. I sympathise, but to take a whole week off with no notice isn’t something I’m okay with. Especially not when next week will be flat out and we’re already down one team member.”

“Wow. What did you say to her?”

“I told her no fucking way, but she told me she’d just quit if I said no. So I told her to quit because I refuse to work with someone who does stuff like that. Which means I now have to either find people to replace her or do the shifts myself, and I’m thinking it’ll be the second option because the roster is super tight next week.” I fan my face as it heats. Actually, my entire body is heating. “And what the hell is going on with the weather in Melbourne today? One minute it’s hot, the next cold. I’m getting whiplash from it.”

Cleo is silent for a beat. “Umm, B, I think you’re having hot flushes, babe. From the fertility drugs. And possibly a little bit of rage, too. You don’t usually get fired up like this.”

“No, what I’m having is rage induced by selfish team members. And I’m telling you, the weather here is ridiculous today. I haven’t had any side effects from the drugs. I’m fine.”

“Is Winter home?”


“Well, I was just going to ask if he’s feeling hot, too.”

I’m not sure why, but I’m suddenly feeling really fucking irritated by my bestie, and that’s something that never happens. Like, in all the time we’ve been friends, I’ve never felt this way towards her. But damn it, she’s asking me dumb questions when I just want her to agree with me that Juanita is selfish.

“He’s not here,” I snap. “Can we please get back to my staffing issue?”

“Yes, okay. So what’s the plan for next week then?”

“I don’t have a plan yet. I just got off the phone from her. But I’m pretty sure I’ll have to cover most of those shifts.”

“I could rearrange stuff here and come down for the week.”

My irritability with her completely disappears with that offer. “Oh, babe, no, I don’t want you to do that. I appreciate it, but I’ll manage. I just needed to vent is all.”

“I know, but if you have trouble filling shifts, please let me come and help. You don’t need any added stress at the moment.”

She’s right, but I hate the idea of dragging her away from Sydney. Especially since her roster is also quite tight. Our Sydney studio is doing well with business picking up every week. “I’ll see how I go. Thank you. And I’m sorry if I was snappy with you. This damn heat is getting to me. I mean, it’s June for God’s sake. It shouldn’t be hot.” As the words leave my mouth, I realise Cleo must be right; I’m having hot flushes thanks to the drugs I’m taking.

Oh God.

“Shit,” I mutter, “I think you’re right.”