“You don’t have to be a dick about this. I drank a little too much and vomited. That’s hardly something he has to know.”

“The fact you’re begging me not to tell him lets me know there’s more to this. I don’t know what you guys have got going on, but I’m betting this is more than you just getting drunk. I’m also betting your parents would want to know about it.”

Her lips flatten. “Surely your parents didn’t know about every time you got drunk when you were younger.”

Jesus, I can’t stand entitled little fucking princesses. “You wanna know the difference between us, Zara? My father didn’t give a flying fuck about me, and my mother had other shit to worry about.”

Devil steps in and takes charge of the situation, which is a good thing for Zara because at the rate she and I are going, I’ll be throwing her over my shoulder and taking her straight to her father.

“Right,” he commands, pointing at Zara, “You’re leaving here with Fury. You do whatever he tells you to do. You don’t cause a fucking scene and you don’t waste his time. And King will be informed about what’s happened tonight. End of story.” He turns to me. “Sorry, brother, Hailee needs me at home, otherwise I’d get Zara out of here. We’ll have to sort Ricardo out later.”

I nod. “All good. I’ll get her home. You take care of your family shit.”

“I can get myself home,” Zara says.

I look at her. Everything about her, from her tone to her body language, to the expression on her face screams the challenge she’s laying down. It’s a challenge I don’t have the time or patience for. Not tonight.

Curling my hand around her bicep, I say, “Not happening, princess. You’re with me, and if you so much as look at me the wrong fucking way, we’re gonna have trouble.”

With that, I drag her out of the house, ignoring her protests. She’s intent on fighting me, though, so by the time we get out to my ute, I’ve lost any patience I had left.

Yanking the passenger door open, I say, “Get in the car and stop fighting me. I’m just trying to get you home safely because King’ll have my ass if anything happens to you.”

After one last defiant glare shot my way, she finally does something I’ve told her to do and gets in the damn car.

We make the drive to her place in silence, and as we pull up outside, I realise how close she lives to me.

Killing the engine, I look at her. “You live with friends?” The only reason I’m asking is to suss out whether anyone will be home in case she needs help. Although she appears more sober since she threw up, I’m not convinced she’s okay.

“No, with Holly.” Her si


I exit the car so I can walk her in and make sure Holly knows what’s happened. By the time I’m around the car to her side, she’s halfway up the path to the front door. And by the way she’s stumbling, it’s clear she’s still not in a good state.

I catch up to her as she enters the house. Placing my hand to the door, stopping her from closing it, I say, “Holly home?”


“I want to speak with her.”

“She’s asleep.”

I jerk my chin at her. “Go wake her up.”

“I’m not waking her up.”

“Fuck,” I mutter. “Just—”

Holly comes into view behind Zara, groggy and annoyed. Her gaze is zeroed in on me. “What shit do you wanna tell me that can’t wait until tomorrow? And why aren’t you wearing a shirt?” She looks between Zara and me. “Fuck, did you two—”

Zara’s lips flatten. “God, Holly, I don’t sleep with every guy I meet. He just gave me a lift home from a party. That’s all.”

Holly’s face remains impassive. “I never said you do, Zar. All I was gonna say is that if you did sleep with him, King would have a lot to say about that. And I was also going to suggest you both move to Alaska.”

Holly’s a straight shooter, a fact I like about her. I’ve spent some time with her when she’s been at the clubhouse working on Sarge’s bike with him. She says it like it is and I’m down with anyone who does that.

“Your sister was off her face tonight. You might wanna keep an eye on her,” I say, way past ready to leave.