That much I know.

What I don’t know is whether King is still breathing, because I don’t allow myself even one second to look away from this asshole. Whoever this guy is, he’s fucking good. He has nine fucking lives. Each time I think I’ve knocked him out, he gets the fuck up and comes back for more.

And then it happens: the moment where I

wonder if my run of success with never losing a fight is about to come to an end. The moment where I see no future with Noah and Zara. The moment where he aims his gun at my head and prepares to pull the trigger.

My mind races with possibilities to escape this bullet.

But there are none.

There’s just death.

His smile of victory reaches my beast inside, though, twisting and slicing until I know I can’t give up.

If I’m going to die, I’m not doing it standing fucking still.

I lurch forward, arms wide, ready to circle him and take him down with me.

His gun explodes, the noise ripping through me.

We crash to the floor together thanks to the momentum of my movement.

I’m on top of him.

My ears are ringing.

I can’t see.

I blink.

I blink again.

I feel nothing.

No pain.

“Fury.” King’s voice sounds from above. “You good, brother?”

I move, pushing up off the asshole, finally taking in the fact his head is an angry mess of blood and flesh.

“Yeah,” I grunt, eyeing the gun he used to save my life. “You?”

“Nothing a fucking whisky won’t fix,” he grunts back, looking like he needs a whole lot fucking more than whisky to fix him.

Putting his phone to his ear, he calls Winter. “We need every fucking member back here. Shit just escalated.”

The assholes who got into the clubhouse—after killing the four club members running security outside—weren’t Zenith. Axe confirms that at around 2:00 a.m. They were hitmen we suspect were sent by Zenith or whoever is funding them, but that’s yet to be confirmed.

“How’s King?” I ask, entering Winter’s office after I shower and clean up.

He leans back in his chair and scrubs his face. “Doc says he’ll be okay.”

Axe sticks his head in. “Griff has something.”

Winter jerks his chin. “I’ll be there in a minute.” After Axe leaves, he says to me, “You need to go home, brother. See your family and then come back.” He pauses for a beat. “I need you back here, Fury.”

I nod. “Yeah.” He does need me back here. He needs a whole fucking lot of us back here.