“We’re not getting into this,” he says, slamming those words down between us like he’s the one who gets to decide this.

“Yeah, we are. I love you and respect you, but I’m an adult and I decide when I want to get into something. We might not come to a resolution, but we never will if we never start.”

He forces out another harsh breath. “I’m not changing my mind on this. Fury stays in Melbourne.”

“Think about what you’re saying, King, and when you do, think about the stress you’re under with the club and with Mum, because I think you’re running on fumes and making bad decisions along the way. Fury has always been loyal to you. Always. He’s one of the most decent men I know and I doubt he’s ever told you one lie. He’s not dishonest, and if you really think about that, you’ll see I’m right.”

“We done here?” he demands.

I nod. “We’re done. For now.”

Leaving him, I go back inside to say goodbye to Mum. I have no idea if any of what I said to King will get through to him, but what I said about him being a smart man is true; he is smart and I know he usually takes on board the things we say to him and thinks them over deeply. So I can only hope he does that this time, too.

“I’m leaving now,” I say to Mum when I find her in Meredith’s bedroom helping her dress.

“You spoke to him?”

“Yes, but I think it might help if you to talk to him again.” Mum’s already had many words with King over this and I hate to ask her to have more because their relationship is already strained. But he listens to her; I know he does.

“I’ll try, Zara, but I can’t promise anything.”

“Thank you.”

The look in her eyes doesn’t give me much faith, but still, I cling to hope. If King doesn’t sort his shit with Fury, I don’t know where that will leave us all.



* * *

“You look as exhausted as I feel, brother,” Thorn says, taking the seat next to me.

I scrub a hand over my face as I glance around the table. Winter’s called church, and I’m hoping he’s gonna have something new for us. Something that will lead us the fuck to where this motherfucking gang is hiding out.

Demon’s information turned out to have a gift in it: a list of buildings we weren’t aware of that Zenith us

es for various activities. Winter has set up surveillance on all of them and now it’s a waiting game to see what comes of that. However, the biggest thing he’s trying to figure out is their location. Since he’s weakened them by stopping their cash flow, they’ve disappeared off Storm’s radar. We had eyes on them, but they managed to distract us a week ago by getting false information into our hands that led us to believe they were planning an attack. We pulled as much manpower as we could for that, and in the process gave them the perfect opportunity to disappear while we weren’t watching.

I eye Thorn. “I’ve only been here three weeks; you’ve had a lot longer of this shit.”

Winter enters the room and gets straight into it. “We’ve got a weapon shipment coming in today that needs to be ready for buyers in two days. I got word last night that Zenith has ceased all business activity, so we’re gonna be busy picking up the business we lost to them.” He then rattles off who’s assigned to what before looking around the room and giving his last directive for the day. “Tonight, we’re hitting some of the buildings Zenith uses. Surveillance has shown us which ones to target. I need everyone here, ready to go by ten tonight.”

Church ends and Ransom jerks his chin at me as I’m exiting the room. “You’re with me this morning.”

“Doing what?”

“We’ll take point on this weapon delivery.”


“We’re leaving now.” He throws a set of keys at me. “You’re driving the truck.”

“Who else will be with us?” Fuck, I hope he’s got a list of names for me; this isn’t something that two people can handle.

He runs through a list, but it’s only five names long. I don’t often hesitate to take on a job, but I have a bad fucking feeling about this one. However, I know it has to go down; Storm needs the cash these guns will bring in, especially since Zenith has taken a lot of that business from us.

“Okay, let’s do this,” I say, showing Ransom a level of confidence I’m not fucking feeling.