“I’m sorry it didn’t work out how you hoped.”

I grind myself against her. “Princess, we need to stop discussing ex’s and start discussing how we’re gonna change our schedules so I don’t have to go another week without having my mouth on this pussy.”

She grins at the same time a text comes through on my phone.

Fucking hell.

I reach for it.

* * *

King: Clubhouse. Forty minutes.

Me: Yeah.

* * *

“I’m gonna say that was King or one of the guys if the look on your face is anything to go by,” she says.

I kiss her and nod before letting her go and rolling to the side of the bed. With every step I take towards the bathroom, I regret the hell out of having to leave her.

“There’s fresh towels in the cupboard in there,” she calls. “And Fury?”

I turn to her, finding a sexy grin on her face.

“That ass is a ten.”


She’s something else, and a whole lot of what I need in my life.

“What’s going on?” I ask Nitro as he shoves guns at me, his expression grim. I arrived at the clubhouse to chaos. Club members everywhere, weapons everywhere, the mood fucking apocalyptic.

“Winter showed up an hour ago and so did Zero. It looks like Zenith has hit town. We need to cut them off before they make a move.”

I load myself up with knives and guns. “What’s the plan?”

“Zero has a possible location. His men are meeting us there.”

King stalks into the room, dark energy clinging to him. “We leave in ten minutes,” he barks, surveying the room. Make sure you have weapons strapped every-fucking-where you can. I’m not bringing any dead bodies back with me today.”

As fast as he came in, he leaves.


This shit is getting worse with each day and I’m as determined as King to wipe these motherfuckers out. Now that I have Noah, I’ll do anything to keep him safe.

Ten minutes later, we’re on our way to the location Zero has given us. It’s an abandoned church on a large property in the middle of nowhere, and it takes us a good hour to get there. The street is clear, meaning either we got here before they could set up security or they’re not here.

Parking our vans a short distance from the property, we file out, all fifty of us. Zero made good on his word and backed King with the numbers he asked for. Winter takes the lead, directing everyone to where he wants us.

The property is dense with trees, which helps us remain hidden until the last minute. The entry points into the building are located front and back, plus one on the side. As we draw close and see a handful of vehicles parked outside the church, it’s clear they’re here, and going by the ease of our access, they haven’t been here long.

Winter signals his directions and we separate to head to our designated entry points. I follow Winter to the back door and our group remains undetected as we enter the building. Moving quietly, I scan for the enemy, every muscle flexed and ready for a fight.

We make it through the first room and into the next when Winter comes to a halt and signals for us to do the same. When he points down, I see the clear tripwire at our feet.

They are here and they are ready for us.