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I’m dreaming of my father when my phone drags me from my sleep.

The same dream as usual.

His fist.

Mum’s face.

Bones breaking.

It takes a while for my brain to associate the ringing with the fact I have a call coming in. That’s because, for the first time in weeks, I’ve actually fallen into a deep sleep. Exhaustion has finally caught up with me. Between the hours I’ve been pulling for King and the insomnia I’m a slave to, I could do with a few weeks straight of nothing but sleep.

Sitting, I throw my legs over the edge of the bed and reach for the phone. Placing it to my ear without checking caller ID, I growl, “What?” I’m pissed at whoever the fuck it is; King gave me the night off and told me he wouldn’t call, so whoever’s on the other end is about to cop my anger.

“Fury. I’m sorry for calling so late, but I think I need a favour.”



“What favour?” I eye the bedside clock. Midnight.

“I can’t find Zara. And she’s not answering her phone.”

The worry I hear in her voice snaps me to attention. Or maybe it’s simply the mention of Zara that does that. Fuck knows anymore where my brain’s at with her; the only thing for sure is it’s in a motherfucking mess.

“She went out?”

“Yeah, to the movies. She should have been home within the last hour. I took a drive to the cinema and couldn’t see her car anywhere. I’ve also been over to her friend’s house and she’s not there.” She pauses briefly. “I’m worried about her, Fury. Her head’s not in a good place. But I have no idea where else to look for her.”

I push up off the bed, my thoughts already turning to finding Zara. “Text me her number and any of her friends’ numbers and addresses you have.”

“I only have Marissa’s number and address. Mum would have more, but I’m not sure about worrying her with this while she’s—”

Throwing on a shirt, I say, “No, don’t bother, Lily. Not yet. Just send me the info.”

“Okay…. Keep me updated. And I’m sorry to call you with this; I just didn’t know what else to do.”

I rest my phone between my ear and my shoulder while I pull my jeans on. “I’ll let you know when I find her.”

I end the call, grab my keys, and head downstairs to my ute. By the time I’ve got the key in the ignition, Holly’s text comes through. I immediately try calling Zara, but it goes to voicemail. I try her friend, but get the same response. I then shoot them both a text asking for their location. Not expecting a reply, I then pull up Axe’s number.

“Since it’s nearly midnight, I’m taking it this is important,” he says when he answers.

“Yeah. Zara’s gone missing. I need you to track her phone.”

“Any ideas where she might be? And I’m guessing King doesn’t know about this if he’s not the one calling me.” Axe is the calm one out of the two of them, that’s for sure. I’m always impressed with his level of cool when shit goes down.

“I don’t want to bother him until I know there’s a reason to do that.” God fucking forbid that happens.

“Good call. I’ll let you know when I have something.”

The line goes dead and I reverse out of the driveway and head over to the address Holly sent me for Zara’s friend. Fifteen minutes later, I’m standing outside Marissa’s house. The place is a fucking mansion, lit up like there’s a party going on inside, but there’s no one home.