“Oh, Mum.” I leaned in and wrapped my arms around her. “You are not dumb. He is. And we’re going to find you a good man who knows how to be honest and how to love a woman right.”

She started her car. “First, we’re going to get you married.”

I shook my head at her. She’d been talking about my wedding for days now. “We’re not even engaged yet, Mum. You need to stop talking about it. I don’t want Winter feeling pressured about this.” But God did I want him to propose.

“Birdie, that man is far from feeling pressured about a wedding. He was born to marry you, and he knows it. If anyone’s going to feel pressured, it’ll be you.”

I stepped back. “Move the car, Mum. I’m not talking about this anymore.”

Winter’s arms circled me and his warm breath whispered across my neck as he said, “What aren’t you talking about anymore? Is everything okay with your mum?”

“Shit,” I said, turning in his embrace, “You need to stop sneaking up on me all the time.”

A lazy grin settled into place on his lips. “When you tell me I need to stop doing something, Angel, you know I’m going to do the opposite.”

“Ugh, don’t I freaking know it.”

His grin eased a little as he asked, “Your mum?”

“That guy she’s been hung up on for weeks? He’s married. She stalked him and just discovered it on his Facebook page.”

The grin died on his lips. “Fuck. How far into this was she with him?”

I took hold of his T-shirt. “You don’t need to involve yourself in this. And neither do Carey or Lucas, so get that thought out of your head now.”

“What don’t we need to get involved in?” Carey asked as he and Lucas stepped next to Winter.

I threw up my hands. “Why do all the men in my life feel it necessary to get all up in my business? Can’t a girl keep some shit to herself?”

Winter smirked. Carey shrugged. Lucas watched me with amusement. Fuck, these three were never going to stop inserting themselves in my business. It was a place they’d always been because they’d always had my back, but God, sometimes a girl just wanted a little space.

Winter gave Carey the information he was after. “Your mother discovered she was hung up on a married man. I simply wanted to know how fucking long the asshole had been leading her on.”

I glared at him. “I will kill you later, Winter Morrison.”

He smirked again. “And I will enjoy the fuck out of it, but you need to start talking, now.”

“Nah, it’s all good, man,” Carey said, “I know who the asshole is and where he lives. We’ve got this.”

I turned my glare to my brother. “You need to stop. Mum hasn’t fallen for a man in a very long time. She’s struggling with her feelings over him, and if you three carry on like this, she’s only going to feel worse. Just let her process this herself, and for the love of God, do not take a trip to that man’s house.” I pointed a finger at all three of them. “So help me, if you do, you’ll have me to answer to.”

Lucas turned serious and nodded. “Okay.” When Carey hit him with a dirty look, he added, “But just this once. If she hooks up with another asshole, all bets are off, and you will let us handle shit our way.”

I had no chance at winning this argument, so I just shook my head at them in exasperation.

Cleo cut in on our conversation. “Carey, your trailer is full now.”

“Okay, great. I’ll take these boxes over to Winter’s.”

“You wanna eat first,” Cleo asked, “or are you coming back?”

“I’m coming back, but I’m always up for food,” Carey said with a grin. “Load me up, woman.”

Carey, Cleo, and Lucas left as one of the Storm guys came our way. “You guys ready to fill the truck?”

“Yeah,” Winter said, and then motioned between the guy and me with—“Birdie, Nitro.”

I smiled at Nitro. God, he was tall. “Hi. Thanks for this. I really appreciate your help.”