“Birdie,” my other brother, Lucas, said as he entered the kitchen, “Mum’s losing her shit over something out the front. She said she needs you and only you.” He lifted his chin at Winter in the way they always greeted each other, with a “Hey man,” and then wandered back out of the kitchen and down the hall.

Winter let me go. “Go see your mum, Angel. We’ll discuss this later.”

I turned to face him, stood on my toes, an

d planted a big kiss on his lips. I loved the heat and happiness I saw in his eyes when I ended the kiss. They were things I made sure I brought to his eyes every day. “I love you and am good to go to that birthday party. I’ll grab a present if you tell me what you want to take.”

He chuckled. “We don’t do presents.”

“Birdie!” Carey called out from the front of the house. “Can you come talk to Mum? She’s having a meltdown over something.”

With one last smile at Winter, I spun around to exit the kitchen and go see Mum. I ran smack bang into a hard chest and one of the scariest looking men I’d ever met in my life. My hands flew up to steady myself, and in my haste, I scrunched handfuls of his shirt. “Sorry! Did I just hurt you?” I was sure my sharp nails had dug into his skin when I grabbed his shirt.

His hard gaze settled on me, flaring my nerves again. Amusement flickered on his face briefly as he shifted his attention from me to Winter and then back to me. “If fingernails to my skin caused me pain, I’d be in a whole lotta trouble, but I appreciate the concern.”

“King,” Winter said, moving close to me again, making me feel sandwiched between the two. “I didn’t expect you.”

I thought I recognised his voice. Winter’s club president.

“I cleared some shit in my schedule.” He paused and looked at me. “We’ve got an issue out the front. One that it seems only you can take care of.”

I frowned. “Huh?”

“Your mother is sitting in her car upset over something. We need the car moved so we can back the truck in.”

“I’m on my way,” I said, moving past him to head outside.

I had no idea what I’d find out there, but it wasn’t what I did find out there: my mother sitting in her car crying.

“Mum,” I said softly, opening her door and crouching down next to her. “What’s wrong?”

Wiping her face, she looked at me. The hurt and disappointment I saw in her eyes made me want to hurt someone for this. Whoever had made her cry was an asshole because my mother was the best woman in the world and didn’t deserve whatever had happened to her. “This,” she said, holding out her phone to me.

I took it and read the Facebook post she had it open on.

Oh God.

My head jerked back up. “This is your Glen?”

She swallowed hard and nodded as more tears streamed down her cheeks. “I’ve been a crazy woman, stalking him online. He doesn’t know I found his Facebook page. God, I feel like such an idiot. Especially since I slept with him two nights ago.”

It turned out Glen wasn’t divorced after all. I will kill him. With my own bare hands. After I rip his dick off.

“Don’t you feel like an idiot! He’s the asshole in this.”

“I do feel like an idiot, Birdie. I’ve been stalking the man like a teenager. What kind of grown woman does that?”

I smiled as I reached for her hand. Squeezing it, I said, “All kinds of grown women do stuff like that. When we’re falling in love, of course we do stuff like that.”

It had been a long time since Mum had fallen for a man like she had Glen. She was going to need me to guide her in this. No way did I want her to think the crazy shit we all did for love wasn’t normal.

She took a deep breath as she lifted her gaze and looked behind me. “Darling, who are all these men?”

I glanced around and laid eyes on the Storm men who were standing together talking very seriously about something. Winter and King had joined them, so the group totalled six. Running my eyes over them, I noted a whole heap of muscle and tattoos. And raw male energy.

“They’re the guys from Winter’s club.” I looked back at her. “They need you to move your car. Do you want me to do it?”

“No, I’ll do it,” she said before giving me a small smile. “Thank you for not making me feel dumb.”