Birdie’s fingers tightened around my neck, her nails digging in so sharply I was sure she drew blood. She cried out with pleasure as I pounded into her, our rhythm unrelenting while we chased what we needed.

We came together.

Our bodies fused.

Our pain shared.

Our hurricane hearts entwined again.



Somehow, after Winter fucked me in the shower, we ended up on the floor of the hotel room. Well, not somehow; I knew how. He’d thrown me over his shoulder and taken me to the bed first for the roughest sex we’d ever had that lasted for longer than I could ever remember. Then, after I took a break and used the bathroom, he’d met me on my way back to the bed and fucked me up against the wall. I was thoroughly exhausted after that and barely able to stand, so we’d ended up on a blanket on the floor, his body almost crushing mine as he spooned me underneath another blanket.

“Do you wanna know what I’m confused about at this point?” I asked as he lazily kissed a trail over my neck.


“Why we’re on the floor when we could be comfortable on the bed?”

He chuckled against my neck. “You remember that we trashed the bed earlier, right?” At my nod, he continued, “I didn’t want to give up any time with you in my arms. Remaking the bed would have necessitated that.”

“So are you planning on us sleeping here? Because I’ve gotta say that’s not high on my list of fun things to do. Not even if you’re with me.”

“Clearly I haven’t worn you out, Angel. Not if you’ve still got enough energy to grumble about the floor,” he said, his voice tinged with that growly tone I loved so much.

When he slid his hand down my stomach, I knew where he was going. Reaching for it, I stopped his progress. “You’ve worn me out plenty.”

He tightened his hold on me and kissed my neck again. “Go to sleep, baby.”

His arms around me, his kisses, and his affection were everything I ever needed, and my entire body was lit with hope and happiness. I knew we had work ahead of us, but the fact we’d gotten from where we were hours ago to where we were now wasn’t something I’d take for granted. I would never take Winter for granted again.

I tried to go to sleep, but while my body was exhausted, my mind wasn’t. My thoughts wouldn’t switch off. I never had been any good at keeping my thoughts to myself, and tonight was no exception.

Snuggling back against Winter, I said, “How are Max and Melissa?” I hadn’t been able to get a good read on them at dinner. Possibly because my head had been full of Winter, but also because at first they seemed to be doing better, but by the end of dinner, not so much. I wondered how much of it was for show on Melissa’s part.

“You’re not even close to sleep, are you?”

I smiled at his tone. It was classic Winter when he had to listen to me go on and on about stuff. The man had some serious patience; I’d give him that. But he sometimes mixed it with low-level exasperation, and that was what I heard now.

“I’m tired,” I said, “but my brain won’t go to sleep.”

Before I knew what he was doing, he had me up and off the floor, and had scooped up the bedding that lay scattered around the bed. We really had made a mess of it earlier.

As we made the bed together, Winter filled me in on what he knew about his brother’s marriage. Once he’d given me the update, he said, “I just want him to be happy. I couldn’t put up with Melissa, but who the fuck knows what goes on in others’ relationships. Maybe she has a side I haven’t seen.”

I stopped what I was doing with the sheets and straightened, sending him a huge smile. My heart melted at the way Winter loved his brother.

He narrowed his eyes at me. “What’s that smile for?”

My smile grew and I crawled across the bed. Kneeling in front of him, I looped my hands around his neck. “I love you, Winter Morrison. Like you can’t even imagine. Like I’ve never loved anyone.”

His features tightened as his arm hooked around my waist. Taking me down to the bed with him, he growled, “I should fucking hope like you’ve never loved anyone.”

I took hold of his cheeks and lifted my head to kiss him. Winter’s possessiveness was something I loved, but I read between the lines and knew this time it was coloured with his feelings over us not being together for the last five years. “There’s never been anyone that mattered to me but you. I need you to know that. You’ve had my heart all this time and you’ll have it for the rest of our lives.”

He dropped his lips to mine and kissed me again before repositioning us under the covers. He lay on his back and pulled me in close, his arm holding me tightly to his body. Since we’d worked our anger out, it was like he couldn’t let me go.