“I don’t know. I haven’t seen him or heard from him today.”

He frowned. “I saw him earlier and he was on his way to the hotel to pick you up.”

“I texted to ask him his plans, but he never replied.” My voice wavered as I said, “He didn’t come back to the hotel last night, which I figure you already know. I couldn’t sit alone for another second, so I came here.”

He gave me a knowing look as he shrugged out of his jacket and passed it to me. “Here, take this. I’ll go and check in the car to see if we have a spare coat.” The look in his eyes turned meaningful as he added, “His phone battery is dead. He wouldn’t have received your text, and we both know my brother isn’t the best at picking up the damn phone and telling anyone his plans.”

My breathing slowed as I processed what he said. I’d run so many scenarios through my mind this morning, but not one of them had been this one. That was because I feared the choice he’d make about us once his anger calmed enough for him to think straight. My fear caused me to imagine the worst. I hadn’t stopped and considered his phone might have died.

Today is going to be a long day.

Looking behind him, I said, “Where are Mel and the kids?”

“They’re here. Mel just took the boys to the toilet.” His attention drifted behind me again for a brief moment before he looked at me again. “I won’t be long.” With that, he took off back the way he’d come.

I scanned the area for what felt like the hundredth time, looking for Winter, but he was nowhere to be seen. At least I knew he was on his way. Some of the tension in my body eased knowing that.

After waiting for Max for five minutes, growing more fidgety as I stood looking for Winter, I headed in the direction Max had left. I was thankful for his jacket, but the wind had picked up and the chill was worse, so I was still freezing cold.

As I rounded the corner of the crematorium into the car park, the familiar rumble of a bike sounded. My gaze cut to Winter as he pulled his bike into a park. Unable to do anything but stand and stare at him, I took in his every move, not missing the moment he laid eyes on me.

My tummy fluttered with nervousness while those same nerves raced across my skin.

Should I go to him?

Or wait here?

I took a step in his direction but instantly halted.

He wants space.

But he needs me today.

Does he really?

He told you what he needs is space.

Give the man what he asked for. Let him come to you.

“Oh God,” I muttered, running my fingers through my hair like I always did when I was nervous. I didn’t know what to do and this not knowing was doing my head in.

Winter walked my way, his body tall, his shoulders pushed back, his masculine energy blazing like it always did as he took purposeful strides. He wore black from head to toe. Black boots. Black jeans. Black button-down shirt. Black leather jacket. Black sunglasses that hid his eyes from me.

I stood absolutely still and waited for him to reach me, my entire body a knotted mess of anxiety.

Before he’d even come to a stop in front of me, he shrugged out of his jacket. When he reached me, he held it out. “Put this on.”

The gravel in his voice did what it always did even though today was not the day for it. I pushed the need I had for him aside and said, “Max has gone to look for a coat for me.”

He continued to hold his jacket out for me. “Whatever he finds won’t be warm enough.”

“Winter, it’s cold. You need—”

He worked his jaw. “Take the jacket, Birdie.”

His tone left no room for argument, so I took his jacket with a soft, “Thank you,” and put it on. He stood silently watching me. I couldn’t see his eyes, but I had the feeling he watched me like I was all he saw.

“Matt,” Max said from behind me, breaking the moment between Winter and me.