“I’m not fucking you without one. We’re not screwing this up this time. When we get pregnant, it’ll be because we planned it.”

An emotion I couldn’t get a read on flashed across her face. Whatever it was, she let it go and said, “We won’t get pregnant, Winter.” She paused before adding, “I’ve got that covered.”

Something was off here. Birdie’s body language and tone had shifted. I fought myself over slowing things down to ask her what it was versus finishing what we’d started. My selfish need to fuck her and make her mine again almost won. But I cared too fucking much about her to do that; I had to make sure she was okay first.

When her hand wrapped around my dick again, I placed mine over it and stopped her. “What just happened?”

Her eyes darted away briefly. When they came back to me, she curled her hand around my neck and said, “What did just happen? The last I knew you wanted to fuck me, so why aren’t you letting me touch you?”

“Don’t do that, Angel. I know something is on your mind. Talk to me.”

She let go of my neck and took a step back. “The only thing on my mind is sex,” she said with a spark of attitude. “You’ve made sure of that.”

Fuck, she was shutting down on me again. And hiding something. But before I had the chance to respond, her watch buzzed with a phone call.

She held my gaze for another moment before eyeing her watch. Tapping it, she said, “Hey, Mum, what’s up?”

And with that, I knew we were done here for the night.

Jennifer’s voice filled the space between us, full of urgency and concern that caused me to pay close attention. “Birdie, are you with Winter at all?”

Birdie’s gaze shot to me again as I said, “I’m here, Jennifer.”

“Oh, thank God. Your brother has been looking for you. He’s left you a few messages on your phone.” My phone that was in Carey’s lounge room, switched to silent for the night.

“What’s up, Mum?” Birdie’s voice now held the same concern her mother’s did.

Jennifer turned silent for a beat. “It’s your father, Winter.” Another pause. “He’s had a heart attack… and…. You really need to call Max.”

I clenched my jaw, knowing deep in my gut the words she wasn’t saying. It was right there in the anguish I heard. “Tell me.” It came out a bark when I didn’t intend that. But fuck, I needed to know.

“I’m sorry, Winter, but he passed away.”



My father was a hard man. Strict in the way he raised my brother and me. Uncompromising in his standards. Obstinate about his methods of achieving his parenting goals. But I’d never met a more loyal, honest and reliable person in my life. He’d shown me by example how to be the kind of man worthy of a woman’s love. And how to be a man led by my convictions.

Dad had loved my mother with every fibre of his being. He’d done his best to never raise his voice to her and had always treated her with love and the kind of respect that helped keep them together until she’d died eight years ago. My goal in life was to love as well as my father had loved.

The last time I’d seen him had been three months ago when I’d returned from a trip to the States. He lived in Brisbane so I’d stopped off on my way home. I’d stayed a week. He was a man of few words, which meant he hadn’t voiced his request for me to stay longer, but I’d sensed that wish from him. I didn’t extend my stay, though, because the club had a lot on and King had asked for my assistance with some of it. Now, I fucking wished I’d stayed. Now, there wouldn’t be any more chances to say all the things

that I never got around to saying.

“Winter,” Birdie said, cutting into my thoughts.

I reached for my jeans, yanking them on. Then my shirt. All the while ignoring Birdie. The only thing I could focus on was getting to Dad.

Her hand curled around my wrist. “Winter, slow down and—”

“I need to call Max.”

I need to get to Dad.

She didn’t let go of me. “I know, but—”

I pulled out of her hold and looked at her. “I don’t have time to stand here discussing this, Birdie.” I didn’t miss her blink as the ice in my tone hit her. I didn’t mean to be so cold, but my father just fucking died; I had nothing else to give her.