I threw all my plans to prove Winter wrong out the window when I stood in front of my mirror assessing myself for the date. I’d put on a sexy little black dress and spent some time braiding the front of my hair before pulling it up into a high ponytail and teasing it to give it some height. Patrick had told me he liked it when I wore my hair like that, and I was going all out to get his full attention tonight.

As I stood looking at myself, though, I realised I already had his attention. He’d made it more than clear how much he liked me. And there lay the problem—I wasn’t the kind of girl to lead a guy on.

I couldn’t do that to him.


So I called the date off. And after consuming half a tub of Turkish Delight ice cream while feeling sorry for myself, I decided I needed to talk this over with Carey. My brother always had good advice. I didn’t always agree with it at the time, but I usually saw the logic and wisdom when I thought it over later.

That was why I found myself standing on Carey’s doorstep four hours after I’d left Winter at the studio.

He answered the door and let me in with “This is gonna be fun.” I didn’t understand what he meant until I hit the lounge room and found Winter sitting on his couch sucking back some beer while watching me with an “I told you” smile.


Shit, shit, shit.

Why did I come here?

Why did I even think breathing would be a good idea today?

“Jesus!” I threw my arms up in the air before throwing my bag on the couch and stomping into the kitchen. “I’m going to need some strong alcohol, Carey,” I called out as I went.

“Bring the bottle of whisky back in here with you,” he called back. “I need more.”

I eyed it on the counter the minute I entered the kitchen. I grabbed it along with a glass and stomped back out to the lounge room, ignoring Winter’s watchful gaze. Well, as best as I could, because I was having trouble not checking out the fitted black tee he wore. He hadn’t been wearing that this afternoon, which was both a shame and a relief. I’d never been able to resist him when he wore T-shirts that tight.

Good God, Birdie, get your shit together, woman.

I sat my ass down on the couch opposite Winter with an “Ugh, you drive me fucking crazy,” while looking him directly in the eye.

His eyes twinkled with more of that goddam amusement he liked to send my way, and he threw some more beer down his throat before saying, “The feeling is mutual, Angel, but for the record, I may also be enjoying this a little too much.”

I poured myself some whisky, not even bothering to ask Carey if he wanted some, and muttered, “I believe that,” before drinking half of what I’d poured. “And for the record, you are arrogant.”

“I’ll own that,” he said, “but I’m also right. Don’t forget that.”

I emptied the glass and refilled it straight away. “I’ll tell you what you are. You’re presumptuous, cocky, and too fucking smug about some things.” I drank more whisky. “And just so you know, women don’t like those things.” I emptied the glass again as a nice buzz settled in.

Carey stood. “Fuck, I’ll leave you two alone so you can get this shit out of your system.” He eyed me. “If I’m correct in my assumption that you came here to discuss Winter, my advice is that you should just give in now because it’s clear as fuck to me that you’re still in love with him.”

I stared after him as he left the room.

Worst. Brother. Ever.

I poured another whisky and downed that fucker in one long gulp.

“What happened with the date, Birdie?”

I placed my glass on the coffee table. Ignoring Winter’s question, I asked, “Why are you here?”

“Carey and I have been catching up. Why are you avoiding my question?”

Still ignoring his question, I said, “You can’t just come back into our lives and pick right back up where you were, Winter. Life doesn’t work like that.”

He drank some beer. “Yeah, it does. If you want it to, it does.” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Why are you so intent on keeping me out of your life?”

My mind went straight to the reason and my insides knotted with stress as I thought about it. For a second, I contemplated what life would look like if I told him.