She shook her head as if to say she thought I was being ridiculous. Then, as she passed me her phone with the guy’s dating profile open on it, she said, “If I start seeing him, it’ll be a while before he starts showing up at our family lunches.”

I eyed the dude. Glen. Good strong name, and he had a good strong face to go with it. Mum had excellent taste. Glancing up at her, I asked, “Why?”

She frowned. “Why what?”

I gave her back the phone. “Why would it take that long for you to invite him to lunch? Life is short, Mum. You know that better than an


“I don’t know. I just… I don’t want to rush into anything.” The vulnerability bleeding through her voice shot sorrow through my heart. It had taken her a good three years to get back out there dating after Dad died, and another couple of years to be truly open to finding a new partner. It didn’t seem, though, that time had lessened her wariness. The fact I hadn’t witnessed this with any other man she’d met told me there must be a spark here with this guy. A spark that caused her a little bit of fear.

I reached for her hand and squeezed it gently. “I get it, Mum. No rushing. But still, I wanna know everything so start spilling.” I wouldn’t rush her, but I’d push her in an effort to get her out of her comfort zone. Just a little. That was my job as her daughter.

We spent the next twenty minutes making salad and talking about Glen. I managed to learn he was a lawyer, divorced with two kids, who spent his free time doing anything that involved water sports or motor racing. I’d also learned they shared similar taste in music and art. They hadn’t organised a first date yet, but I got the impression that wasn’t for his lack of trying. It was Mum holding them up. And that surprised me because she hadn’t ever slowed down a first date.

“So, why do you need my pink top?” she asked, barely taking a breath after telling me there was no date lined up. It was obvious she was attempting to divert the conversation.

“Ah, we haven’t finished talking about Glen. I was thinking you guys should get tickets to see Bon Jovi. They’re coming next week and I know there are still tickets available. And you just told me you both love them. That’d be a great first date. Dinner and a concert.”

“Birdie,” she started, her voice settling into the warning tone that I knew meant I’d pushed this as far as she would tolerate today. “Let me decide this for myself, okay?”

I nodded. “Okay. But, I’m gonna keep asking you about him because he sounds like someone you really like. And you deserve to have someone like that in your life.” In an effort to honour her wishes, I moved with the conversation change she’d initiated. “I need the pink top for my date with Patrick tomorrow night.”

“Why on earth do you need my pink top when you have a million of your own? And you’re still seeing him? I thought he bored you on your last date.”

Because I need a distraction from the one guy who doesn’t bore me.

“Yes, I have a million pink tops, but I love this one. You should just give it to me. And yes, I’m still seeing him. I think I was just having an off day on our last date.”


My phone sounded with a text.

* * *

Winter: Heads up. Your mother asked me to take a look at her back deck to see if I could fix the storm damage to it.

Me: Okay.

* * *

I will kill her later.

* * *

Winter: Giving you advance warning that I’m doing that tonight.

* * *


* * *

My head shot up and I eyed Mum. “I have to go home.”

She frowned. “We haven’t eaten yet.”

I grabbed my bag, scrambling to get out of there as fast as possible. “Yeah, sorry. Something’s come up.”