Page 35 of Havoc (Storm MC 7)



“Come here,” Havoc demanded.

He’d taken his five minutes—well, six minutes and some seconds, but who was counting—and had finally left the bathroom to stand in front of the bed. Hard eyes stared down at me and I wondered what shit he had sorted in his head to look at me that way. I’d never seen those eyes before and they kinda scared me. Again.

But that voice of his…

It didn’t scare me at all. It turned me on in a way I’d never been turned-on and that was enough to make me scoot off the bed and stand in front of him.

His eyes held mine for a good minute before dropping to my throat. I looked down at the same time and saw his hands clench by his side.

Oh, dear Lord.


I knew what those hands were capable of and I wanted everything they had to give.

Even if that involved some pain.

After the phone call I’d had from my mother that afternoon, my soul was alive with pain and in my experience, the only thing to dull pain, was more pain. Different pain. And although I’d never had it from him before, I knew Havoc could give that to me.

“Hurt me,” I said as his gaze lingered on my throat.

His head jerked up and our eyes met again. “What did you just say?”

“I said, hurt me.”

No emotion flashed across his face. He simply continued to look at me through those hard, flat eyes of his. “The last thing you want is for me to even contemplate that.”

Even his voice was flat.




“That’s where you’d be wrong, Havoc.” I straightened. “It’s the only thing I want you to contemplate.” It was all I’d thought about while he’d been gone that afternoon. Before this thing with him was over, I wanted a piece of that side of him.

He watched me some more. I could almost hear his brain ticking over.

Right as I was beginning to think he wouldn’t do it, he wrapped his hand around my throat. His fingers dug into my skin and his grip threatened to close off the air from my lungs. Flat eyes continued to bore into mine. “How much pain do you want?”

Pain radiated down my neck as his thumb dug in harder, and I gasped for breath. My head began to throb as well, and all I could do was welcome it. “As much as you want to give me.” I barely choked out the words because his grip restricted my ability to talk.

Something flickered in his eyes right at the time the vein in his temple twitched. Whatever it was, though, was gone as fast as it appeared. However, the vein twitched again and he clenched his jaw. With one last squeeze of my throat, he let me go. A mutter of, “Fuck,” escaped his lips, and then he ripped off his shirt.

As I sucked air back into my lungs, I watched the rapid rise and fall of his chest, taking in the way his muscles were carved into perfection. When his hands moved to the button on his jeans, my gaze willingly followed, and desire pooled in my belly as he revealed his cock to me. I wasn’t fussy where cocks were concerned, but after having Havoc’s, that could be called into question. He was well endowed and knew how to use it, and I was more than a little concerned that all future men I slept with would not be able to meet the standard he set.

My focus was distracted while thinking about his talents and assets, so he surprised me when he yanked me to him. Our bodies slapped together and his hands grasped me with a roughness that caused more desire to shoot through me.

“I’m not sure where the fuck you got the idea that I’m a man who likes to inflict pain on a woman during sex, so I’m only going to say this once.” His eyes were no longer flat. They had a wildness to them that thrilled me. “Never ask me to do that again. I’m more than happy to dominate you during sex, but I will never, never hurt you. Have I made myself clear?”

I didn’t reply.

I knew he had it in him to give me what I wanted, so I couldn’t figure out why he refused.