Page 32 of Havoc (Storm MC 7)

“I know that’s the smart thing to do…” My voice drifted off while my thoughts consumed me. Havoc was as far from my ‘perfect’ man as he could be, but who knew if my ideal guy even existed.

“Nash told me he’s the last guy you want to be hooking up with.”

At the mention of Nash’s name, irritation prickled my skin and I sat forward, folding my legs together on the bed. “What has Nash said?”

“He doesn’t trust Havoc around you. Said something about him being violent, but he didn’t give me details. What he did say, though, was enough to convince me that you really should think twice about this.” I loved the way Velvet gave me her opinion without lacing it with judgement. I knew she’d be there for me, whichever way I chose to go.

“I know Havoc is violent, but he’s never been violent towards me.” Images of our last conversation flashed through my mind and I did my best to push it aside. From everything I’d seen of him so far, his mood swing seemed out of character and I was the kind of person who believed in second chances. And as much as I’d felt frightened earlier, I believed he wasn’t a man I needed to fear.

“Well, I’ve never met the guy, and you’re the one who has been spending all this time with him, so you would know better. Plus, I also know that men tend to show the women in their lives a different s

ide to what they show the men in their lives. I’m presuming Havoc has an entire part to him that Nash doesn’t even know exists. Just promise me you will go slow and be smart where he’s concerned.”

I sighed. Mainly because she was right. I had a bad track record with men, always choosing the wrong ones. But also because I felt nothing but conflict where Havoc was concerned.

Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, I stood and made a snap decision. “You are so right. I need to walk away from this as soon as I get back to Brisbane. I need stability in my life and Havoc’s a nomad for goodness' sake. There’s no stability in being a nomad.”

“I’ve got a guy I want to introduce you to when you get back. I think he might be what you’re looking for. He’s a vet who owns his own practice. No kids and his family is stable. I’ve met him and he seems like a good guy.”

I should have perked up at the information she was sharing with me.

He’s exactly what I want.

A man with a job and stability.

Yet I had that sinking feeling of not wanting any part of something.

I couldn’t figure out where that feeling was coming from so I forced enthusiasm. “Where did you meet him?”

“He’s the brother of one of my clients and came in to pick her up one day. He’s a really friendly guy.”

I had to get off the phone so I could try to sort through the mess of thoughts in my mind. “Sounds good, Vi. I’m gonna go and have a bath, but I’ll keep in touch with you and let you know when we're on our way home. Can you keep Nash at bay for me?”

A chuckle filtered through the line. “You’ve gotta be kidding me, right? No one keeps your brother at bay where you’re concerned. The only thing stopping him from being in Sydney right this moment is Griff. When he found out Nash was ready to rip Havoc’s balls from his body, he laid down the law and told him he had to stay in Brisbane. I think he threatened him with something if he disregarded the order. Then I managed to talk some sense into him, but be warned, when you get back, there’s going to be hell to pay. I’d suggest you tell Havoc to drop you off and keep going.”

We ended the call and I contemplated what she’d said. Nash was a pain in my ass sometimes, and I hated to give into him, but the last thing I wanted was to cause club problems for him.

You should have thought of this before you agreed to come to Sydney.

I traipsed into the bathroom and flicked on the bath tap. At times when I was mad at myself for rash decisions that led me into trouble, I liked to take a bath, give myself a facial and forget the world.

It was one of those times.

The phone call I received after Velvet’s, just as I was about to step into the bath, only proved that further.



Silence greeted me when I returned to the motel room a few hours after I’d lost my shit at Carla.

Fuck, where is she?

I shrugged off my cut and dropped it on the bed before heading into the bathroom to take a shower. I’d call her once I finished in there.

As I stepped through the bathroom doorway, however, I found her. She was in the bath, plugged into her music with her eyes closed and her head resting on the edge of the bath.

I stopped and leaned against the wall with my arms folded across my chest. My gaze travelled the length of her body. Never letting me down, my dick grew hard while I took in her beauty.