Page 22 of Havoc (Storm MC 7)

Nothing. He said nothing. But the air in the room had changed. Something new thrummed between us.

A need.

A want.

It vibrated around us, pulling at us to acknowledge it.

“I’ve got to go to Sydney for awhile,” he said, and then added, “Come with me.” His eyes betrayed him. He wasn’t sure of what he was saying.

My breathing sped up. I didn’t want to admit even to myself that I wanted this. I shook my head at him. “You don’t want me tagging along, Havoc.”

“I wouldn’t have suggested it if I didn’t want it.”

My mind felt like it was spinning inside my head. I was going to do this. After living my life up until now to a plan, I was going to throw it all out the window and pursue this. I was going to see where it took me. I was going to follow a fucking biker to another city, to hell with the consequences.

* * *


What the fuck was coming out of my mouth? Come with me?


But I couldn’t deny this pull to Carla any longer. I wanted her, simple as that. I didn’t know where the hell this would lead, if anywhere, but I fucking wanted her. That truth was inescapable.

She stood and smiled at me. “Okay, I’ll go with you. One condition though.”

Of course she had a fucking condition; she wouldn’t be her without that. “I don’t do conditions, Carla. Either you’re coming or you’re not.”

That fucking sexy grin of hers spread across her lips. That grin would be the death of my dick. “Oh, you’re gonna love this condition, Havoc.”

“Jesus, woman. Just fuckin’ spit it out.”

She moved into my personal space, curled her hand around the back of my neck, and pulled my face close so she could whisper in my ear. “Somewhere between Brisbane and Sydney, you’re going to fuck me on your bike. Otherwise, I’m not going.”

My hand shot straight out and roughly gripped her neck. “It’s a fuckin’ deal, baby.”

As I agreed to her condition, I prayed to a God I didn’t believe in that this decision and this woman wouldn’t ruin me in the same way the last woman I’d let in had.



How long does a woman need to go to the bathroom?

I checked my watch again.


We were at some shitty little service station near Port Macquarie and Carla had left me nearly ten minutes earlier, so I pushed off from my bike and headed towards the bathrooms.

The darkness of the night and lack of lighting around caused me to tread carefully and I cursed under my breath when I realised the lone light that usually lit the area near the restrooms was broken.

My pace quickened when I heard a male’s voice. I couldn’t discern his words, but I sure as fuck wasn’t taking any chances.

“If you change your mind, doll, I’ve always got a free seat in my truck.” As I drew closer, the guy made his offer and I let out a long breath of relief.

Raking my fingers through my hair, I muttered, “Jesus.”