Page 90 of Havoc (Storm MC 7)

Love is a verb.

And although his actions were sometimes not what I would have preferred, Nash’s love for me couldn’t be denied.



“Pass me a beer,” J said as I searched the fridge in the clubhouse for a drink.

“Summer’s coming,” I said as I handed him the beer. The heat had ratcheted up that morning and the air conditioning in the clubhouse struggled to keep us cool. I’d arrived about an hour ago and my shirt clung to me in places.

J took a swig of his drink. “Gonna be hot out there on your bike. Maybe you should think about sticking around town instead.”

My gaze met his. “I considered it, but I’m itching to get back on the road.”

“What does Carla think about you leaving?”

A week had passed since she and I discussed our plans to travel together and since then we’d made a loose plan for where we would head first.

“She’s coming with me.”

He raised his brows. “Nash know about this yet?”

I downed some beer. “I’m gonna catch up with him about it today. We haven’t spoken for awhile.”

“Good luck, brother. He’s a stubborn asshole sometimes.”

“Who’s a stubborn asshole?” Nash asked, joining us.

J chuckled. “You.” He drank some more beer before adding, “I’m outta here. Like I said, good luck.”

After he left, Nash eyed me. “Carla tell you I spoke with her last week?”

“Yeah. I thought I would have heard from you after that.”

“I’ve been busy with shit.” He reached into the fridge and retrieved a beer.

I decided now was as good a time as any to break our news to him. “I’m leaving town in a couple of weeks and Carla’s coming with me.”

He didn’t react the way I thought he would. There was no instant anger that Nash was known for, but rather an acceptance of sorts. “Figured that was on the cards. Doesn’t mean I love the idea but I’m done fighting you two. Carla’s a grown woman now and far as I can tell, she’s happy with you. So long as she stays happy, I won’t step in again. But mark my fuckin’ words, Havoc, the minute I discover you’ve done something that hurts her, you’ll be in a world of hurt.”

I nodded. I could respect that. “It’s not gonna happen. Carla means the fuckin’ world to me.”

I’d used the words he said to me once and the look of recognition on his face told me he remembered. “Good,” he muttered before taking a long swig of beer. After one last look at me, he left the room.

At the same time, Scott stuck his head in. “Footy’s on, brother. You gonna watch it?”

I lifted my chin at him. “Be there in a minute.”

“Bring more beer with you, yeah?”

He left me alone with my thoughts while I grabbed drinks from the fridge.

Who knew where my friendship with Nash would end up? Fuck, who knew where anything in life would end up? My life hadn’t panned out the way I once thought it would and every day seemed to alter my path lately. But the road I’d chosen to travel was one that gave me hope.

Being with Carla and building my Storm ties again gave me something that had been missing in my life since I’d walked away from it all.
