Page 80 of Havoc (Storm MC 7)

She turned to me. “He’s such a prude when it comes to lesbian sex.”

He scowled. “Fuck. If it concerns my sister, I don’t need to know. Other than that, I’m all about women all over each other.”

Yvette muttered something about him being a prude again and then she left us.

And I was left with a whole lot of questions and insecurities.



I stared at my bike, savouring the rush I’d felt for the first time in four weeks. The doctor had finally given me clearance to take the bike out and it had felt fucking good to be back on it. Life was finally starting to get back to normal.

Well, as normal as possible considering everything had changed in the last month. I was still living with Dad, helping him get his shit together. He was doing well and I was finally convinced he’d turned a corner. Carla was back living at her mother’s house. We saw each other every day. I couldn’t go a day without having her and I’d sp

ent many hours thinking about our future together. Her life was in Brisbane and as much as I tried to talk myself into putting down roots again, I hadn’t been able to come to a final decision. The open road called; my heart lived there. Trouble was, it also lived with Carla and I knew that when we finally had this conversation, I’d choose her over the open road if need be. I just hoped our relationship could survive that choice.

I headed inside and jumped straight in the shower. Carla was on her way over and we were going out for drinks at the clubhouse.

As I turned the shower off, I heard Carla’s voice. She was talking with Dad, so I wrapped a towel around me and made my way out to the lounge room. I was reaching for the handle of my bedroom door when it turned and she opened it.

When she came into view, I halted and tried to process what I was seeing.

Blonde hair.

Boobs pushed up and out in a tight black dress.

Her staring at me waiting for my response.

“You dyed your hair.” It was fucking obvious so I wasn’t sure why I stated it, but I was at a loss for words.

“Yeah, do you like it?” The tone in her voice told me she desperately wanted me to like it. The vulnerability blazing from her eyes confirmed that. This wasn’t the Carla I knew, the one who would kick your ass for looking at her the wrong way.

I had to tread carefully here. “Darlin’, you could walk in here bald and I’d like it.”

Lines creased her forehead as she frowned. “You don’t like it?”


“I do like it.” In fact, I loved it, but I’d always loved blondes so it was a given. I just wasn’t sure what was happening here. Carla was off. Something was wrong.

“You’re lying.” Her voice wobbled.

“Angel, what’s going on? You seem upset.”

Her eyes widened. “I wasn’t upset, but I’m getting there fast. I just want you to be honest with me and tell me if you like me as a blonde.”

I tried to take a step closer to her, but she placed her hand against my bare chest and stopped me. “I just told you that I did.”

She stared at me for a long few moments before exhaling a long breath. “Fuck, Havoc! I try to do something for you and you don’t like it. I thought you loved blondes with big boobs.”

“Jesus, you changed for me?”

“Yes, well, sort of, for you and me.”


“Because that’s your type. And I’ve always wanted to try being a blonde. I figured I could kill two birds with one stone.”