Page 76 of Havoc (Storm MC 7)

“Havoc!” Carla pushed my hands away. “No sex!”

I groaned. “You got any idea how hard my dick has been for days?” It had been four days since I’d come home and she’d pushed me away every fucking night. My cock had been permanently hard the whole time. I’d whacked off in the shower that morning after she’d refused me again.

We were lying in bed and at my question, she sat and faced me. She eyed the bandages over my wound before giving me her gaze. “I’m lucky to even have the possibility of your dick, Havoc. You nearly died on me and that was one of the scariest things I’ve ever lived through. And up until that point, I hadn’t realised how much I wanted you in my life. You’re a closed-off, moody, bossy man who doesn’t fit into any life plan I’ve ever made for myself, but fuck, I realised I want to throw all those plans out the window and make you my new plan. And as for your complaints about no sex, I don’t care how much you grumble. I’m not going anywhere near your dick until the doctor tells you it's completely safe for me to do so.”

I soaked her words in.

Hell, she was fucking spectacular. And as much as I grumbled and carried on during my recovery at her tendency to fight me at every turn, I loved the shit out of the way she stood up to me.

A piece of her hair had fallen across her face so I pushed it behind her ear. “Who fuckin’ knew I’d love a bossy woman? I’m not down with a permanent hard-on that you won’t touch, but I love everything else you just said.”

A smile slowly worked its way across her face and she bit her lip. A moment ago, she’d passionately stood up to me and now she looked at me with a vulnerability that made me want her more than I already did.

“You do?”

Fuck, her doubt slayed me.

I ignored the pain it caused and moved to a sitting position. Jerking my chin, I indicated for her to straddle my lap, which she did, with reluctance. Running my finger down her cheek, I said, “I do. I know I can be a pain in the ass most days, but I want to be in any life plan you make. I’m figuring my shit out as we go but I want to be the man you need by your side while you’re out there kicking ass. I never saw this thing between us coming, but I’m sure as shit gonna do everything I can to keep it.”

She took hold of my hand that was near her cheek. “Me too,” she whispered.

I brushed a kiss across her lips. Her mouth opened and let me in. God, this had to be one of the best places in the world to be. Kissing Carla was almost as good for me as burying my dick in her. I loved the connection I felt when our lips joined.

She pulled away, breathless. “We need to stop or else neither of us are going to be able to.”

I grinned. “That was kinda my intention, angel.”

“I know.”

“Next time I’ll make sure my injury doesn’t prevent me from fucking you.”

Her body shook with laughter. “I’m pretty sure you think about your cock for about twenty-three hours of a day.”

“I’m pretty sure my cock is all you think about for those twenty-three hours too.”

“And why are you so sure about that? What proof do you have?”

I threaded my fingers through her hair. “I’m sure about that because you have the dirtiest mouth and mind of any woman I’ve ever met. It’s like you were made for me and if that’s the case, then I know the shit that runs through your mind.”

Her eyes searched mine. “Soul mates,” she whispered.

I’d never believed in soul mates, but I figured if there was ever a woman who’d been made as mine, it had to be her.

* * *

I pulled Carla close to lay a kiss on her before she left for the day. Cupping her pussy, I growled, “Tonight, angel. This is mine.” Fuck, it couldn’t come fast enough. I had my post-op ten-day follow up that day and the doctor would be giving her the permission she’d been holding out for.

Her eyes glazed over with the same desire I felt. “Havoc, he might say no.”

“I don’t give a flying fuck what he says. Tonight, I will be fucking my woman.”

She didn’t argue with me. Instead, she gave me another kiss and said, “I’ll be back by three to take you to your appointment. Don’t kill your father in the meantime.”

“Smartass.” I smacked her butt on her way out and then headed into the kitchen to see how Dad was going with his breakfast.

He looked up as I entered. “Carla gone?”

I nodded. “Yeah. What plans have you got for the day?”