Page 62 of Havoc (Storm MC 7)

Havoc dropped me off at home on his way to the hospital. I had to start thinking about my studies and a new job. My life plan had been altered in more ways than one and I wanted to spend some time alone working through it all in my mind. Havoc planned to spend the day with his father. He promised to call me later.

“That you, Carla?” my mum called out as I opened the front door.


I found her in the kitchen filling the slow cooker.

“A young man dropped by earlier to see you. He said he knew you from school and wanted to discuss a business idea with you.” She passed me a piece of paper with his name and number.

“Wow,” I mumbled as I read the name on the paper. Looking back up at her, I said, “This guy was a year ahead of me and started his own design business when he finished. It’s doing well. Really well. I wonder if he wants to offer me a job?” This could be the answer to at least one of my problems.

“Nash dropped by to see you this morning also.”

“Shit. Did you tell him where I was?”

“I’m not going to lie for you, Carla. I told him the truth.”

“Fair enough. I’m going to go see him today. Try to get him to see my point of view.”

“That’s a good idea. Invite him over for dinner if you want. I’m making enough.”

“Is there enough for Havoc if he can come?”

She nodded. “Absolutely.”

I gave her a kiss and swiped my car keys off the table. “I’ll let you know who’s coming later today,” I promised as I headed outside to my car.

Hope swirled through me. Maybe I could convince Nash to give Havoc a go. We didn’t need his blessing to carry on with seeing each other, but it would make life easier for everyone.

* * *

“Hey Carla,” J greeted me when I arrived at the Storm clubhouse. He was on his way inside when I pulled into the car park. He stopped and waited for me.

“Hi, J.”

“You looking for Nash?”

I nodded as I eyed the building. It was rare that I visited the place. “Yeah, can you see if he’s in for me? I’ll just wait out here.”

He gestured for me to come in. “You don’t have to wait out here.”

I shook my head. “I want to have a conversation with him and I think it’s best to do it in private.”

“No worries. I’ll go find him.”

A few minutes later, Nash walked towards me with a grim look on his face.

“Hey, you,” I greeted him, trying to keep a friendly tone in my voice.

“Mum tell you I called over to see you this morning?” Yeah, he was pissed.

“She did. I was gonna come see you anyway. We need to talk.”

“You know where I stand on this, Carla.”

My hope faltered.

This was going to be harder than I thought.