Page 57 of Havoc (Storm MC 7)

“Yes. And Nash is ready to kill him, I think.”

“There should be no I think in that sentence. He is ready to kill him. But only because he’s convinced Havoc is dangerous.”

“Velvet, he’s not dangerous to me. He’s got a side to him that I don’t think he shows many people. I just wish Nash would trust me on this.”

“It’s not you he doesn’t trust, Carla. How do you know he wouldn’t be violent towards you? From everything Nash has said, Havoc could just snap and lose it.”

I leant forward so I could drop my voice. “I don’t want to go into detail, but I kinda asked him to do stuff when we were having sex and he refused. He told me he’d never do anything like that to a woman. He’s a good man, Vi.”

“Jesus, what kind of stuff?”

“I asked him to hurt me. Pain gets me off sometimes, but he wanted nothing to do with it.”

While she was processing what I’d said, the front door to the salon opened and Madison entered. I’d met her a few times through Nash and liked her. She was married to Jason Reilly, one of the Storm men and was the daughter of the club president. She saw us and smiled before talking with Roxie, the hairdresser who owned the place. A moment later, they both joined us.

“Hey, Carla, how’s things?” Madison greeted me as she dumped her huge handbag on the floor and sat down in the chair next to mine.

“I’m doing okay. How are you?”

Roxie cut in, “Ask her about her biker dude.” She’d listened to everything Velvet and I had been discussing about Havoc and had a few things to say. Seemed she wasn’t a huge fan of the Storm men and their bossy ways.

Madison’s eyes widened. “Which biker are we talking about? Tell me everything.”

I threw Roxie a glare. I really liked her, but I could have done without this conversation. God knew what Madison thought of Havoc and I really didn’t want to hear it.

“Havoc Caldwell,” I replied.

/> She whistled. “Wow, is he back in town? I haven’t seen Havoc for years. He’d left town by the time I came back. I was sad to hear about his mum dying and also about all the shit that went down with his ex.”

“I met him about a month or so ago and he’s back here for his dad who isn’t well.”

Madison frowned. “He’s not dying, is he? That would be a blow to Havoc, to lose both parents so close.”

“I don’t know. He’s got the doctor seeing his dad today.”

Velvet joined in. “Do you know him very well, Madison?”

She rested her chin on her fist as she contemplated the question. “J and Havoc used to be close so I did spend some time with him. I really liked him. He had a good business doing up old bikes and at the time, I thought he had a good life. He’d been in a steady relationship with Kelly and we all thought they were going to get married, have kids and live happily ever after. But apparently something happened to his business and I think he had to declare bankruptcy. After that, Kelly left him. And then his mum died. J said he lost his shit. Just went off the rails. He shut everyone out and ended up leaving town. I always wondered what happened to his business because up until that point, it had been so successful. Havoc had it all.”

“Wow,” Velvet said. “Maybe Nash has it all wrong about him.”

Madison frowned. “What do you mean?”

“My bloody brother thinks that Havoc is dangerous and doesn’t want me to have anything to do with him,” I answered.

“Well, I can’t really say. I do know that he had a reputation for handling club issues and I did see him in action once and it was pretty scary, but you know what? I’ve seen J and Nash in action, too… actually, Scott as well, and they're pretty scary themselves, so for Nash to say that is a little hypocritical.”

“That’s a very good point,” Roxie said.

“Nash is just scared to let Carla make what he thinks could be a mistake,” Velvet said.

Madison nodded. “I get it, but he needs to let that go.”

“A-fucking-men,” I said. I was so glad I’d run into Madison. She’d shared some useful information with us and I was hoping Velvet would take it back to Nash and try to talk sense to him again.

