Brushing my lips across hers, I said, “Okay, Mrs Cole, we have a reception to get through, and then I’m going to take you home and bless your body with my mouth and my tongue.”

“And your cock?”

I chuckled. “Fuck, woman, that dirty mouth…” I moved my mouth to her ear. “Always with my cock. I’ve been waving that thing around like freaking King Shit since the day I met you.”

I’d repeated the words she’d said to me the night she first set foot in Indigo, and I wondered if she would remember. When her mouth fell open and she gasped, I knew she had.

“You remembered that all this time?” she asked, clearly stunned.

“There’s nothing about you,

baby, that I don’t remember.”

And there wasn’t.

Harlow James had stumbled into my life and turned it upside down, and I’d remember every step of our journey. I might have been the one who’d taken command of our relationship, and bossed her into being with me, but she’d taken command of my heart and would always own it.



1 Year Later

“Sit with Uncle Blade while I go and see where Daddy is,” I said to Aurora as I made my way to where Blade sat with Layla.

His eyes lit up when he saw us approaching, and his arms automatically stretched out to take my daughter from me.

“Thanks,” I said. “I just want to go and find Scott, and then I promise I’ll be back for her.”

Layla grinned. “Don’t rush, Harlow. Honestly, he can’t get enough of her.”

I watched as Blade blew raspberries on Aurora’s belly, and decided Layla wasn’t lying. “Looks like babies might be in your future?”

Blade diverted his attention from Aurora for a moment and said, “Yes, they are, but my wife seems to think we should wait a little while longer before we start trying.”

Layla sighed, but I could tell she wanted this as much as he did. “All I said was that I wanted another six months or so to get my bar operating at more of a profit, and then we could start working on a baby.”

“It’s a good thing I’m a patient man,” he muttered before going back to playing with Aurora.

“It’ll happen,” Layla mouthed and I nodded in agreement before leaving them to go and find Scott. I knew it would happen for them because Blade was a man who made sure he got what he wanted. And as much as Layla was a kick ass chick who pulled him into line when needed, we all knew she needed Blade as much as she needed the air she breathed. They were a couple you just knew would last forever.

“Harlow!” Velvet called out from the table where she sat with Nash.

Changing my direction, I headed over to see what she wanted. “What’s up?”

“I just wanted to tell you that Scarlett’s done an amazing job!”

Looking around at the decorations in the restaurant, I agreed. Scarlett had brought Trilogy to life. “She really has.”

“She might be a moody bitch, but she’s pulled off a great party today,” Nash admitted with only a small amount of grumbling in his tone. It was no secret that he and Scarlett clashed, but he always gave credit where it was due. “Fuck knows how Wilder manages to work with her as closely as he does and not kill her, though.”

At my suggestion, Wilder had hired Scarlett just after Scott and I got married. I decided Storm’s restaurants could do with an image update, and after seeing examples of Scarlett’s decorating talents, I knew she was the right person for the job. She hadn’t wanted to work for Storm, but her dwindling finances had dictated a need to find work, and the universe had conspired to bring us all together.

The rest was history.

Well, maybe not. Maybe there was more to this story. I watched as Scarlett argued with Wilder over something and wondered how long it would take those two to admit their attraction. They’d known each other a year now, and the sparks were wild.

“Have you seen Scott?” I asked Nash.