We watched each other while she worked that through in her mind. Eventually, she said, “Okay, but can you do me a favour?”

“Fuck, as if I’m not already doing you one?” The woman was something else.

She threw me a glare. “Can you lend me some money so I can pay off his debt?”

I blew out a long breath. “Scarlett, I’m going to sort shit so that your brother has no fuckin’ debt to pay off, and then I’m going to sort more shit so that he never gets a fuckin’ debt again.” I raised my brows at her. “You good with that?”

“You’re a moody biker, aren’t you?”

Harlow had joined us and snorted.

I ignored her.

“Give me your brother’s address,” I said as I pulled out my phone to store it in.

“You know, manners never went out of fashion,” she muttered.

Harlow’s snort turned into a laugh and as she walked past us, she threw over her shoulder, “I think having you here is going to be fun, Scarlett.”

Scarlett and I glared at Harlow’s back before she finally gave me her brother’s address.

I typed it into my phone and then shot back at whoever the fuck was listening, “I’m not seeing any fuckin’ joy in this situation.”


* * *

“Motherfucker!” I roared as we received yet another rejection. We’d spent the last four hours trying to call in favours around town and most had said they couldn’t chance giving Storm their support against Julio who had already found a way to blackmail them into taking his back.

Griff rubbed the back of his neck. “We’re running out of options here, brother. And when I do finally get the chance, I’m gonna take great fucking delight in making Julio feel pain for this.”

My phone rang and as I answered it, I said to Griff, “It’s Colt, hopefully he has some good news for us.” He’d also been trying to find support for Storm.

“Got some bad news for you, Scott,” he said, “Most of the guys I’ve spoken to today say their hands are tied, so at this point I’ve only been able to convince two crews to take our back.”

“We’ve had the same,” I told him. “You done with your list yet?”

“I’ve got one more to visit and then I’m heading back to the clubhouse.”

“Thanks, man.”

I hung up and eyed Griff. “He’s got two so far.”

“It’s fucked, but at least it’s better than none. Have you spoken to Blade yet?”

I shook my head. “No, but I will be.”

My phone sounded with a text.

Harlow: I know you’re busy but wanted to let you know that Lisa and Michelle are doing much better today. I checked in on them after you left this morning.

Me: Thanks, baby. You girls okay?

Harlow: Yes, but I’m disappointed.

Me: Why?

Harlow: You didn’t practice your proposal last night.